There is a community consultation meeting scheduled for January 16 -7-9pm in the Basement of Little Trinity Church, 425 King St East. The developer is appealing their application to the OMB and has revised the original proposal (24 and 34 storey towers) and is now proposing two 26 storey towers. The purpose of the meeting is to review the new proposal with the community. Here is a link to the preliminary report.
2 boxes connected by a bridge - no-one's ever seen that before.

I'm sure you meant that as sarcasm but I can think of a few starting with St. Michael's Hospital and the ACC. So again, where is the iconic? That word is getting so watered down. It seems like every new building is claiming to be iconic, yet this city seems to have so few buildings that turn heads.
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since when did you drink the koolaid? that was nothing but empty propaganda. this design is not only completely out of context for the area but ugly regardless of where they might plop it down.

I agree 100% and the Design Review Panel thought their first version (which is very similar) was not suitable for the site either. The official City Community meeting on the revised application (lower towers but no setbacks) will be held on 16 January. Details at Front January 2012.pdf

It is interesting that (Bad) Cityzen are appealing to the OMB before their revised application has even been considered.
this is quite unfortunate after the great track record that Cityzen was putting together with cutting edge design around the GTA...
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Ahh come-on, away from the height that everyone seems so freaked out..this proposed development is many times better designed than anything around it in that hood.
And yeah, i dont get it....this part of the city should be so lucky to even have developers willing to build structures in the class of Monde and this by Cityzen.
I couldn't remember what this is supposed to look like so i brought it forward.

Have to agree with AG this is a great development for this part of this city and can only encourage other developers to spend sone time and money here.

I don't know how anyone can look at that and think that it's a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. What the hell is up with the huge overhang on the right side? Seems like it will be incredibly imposing from a pedestrian standpoint. As far as I'm concerned, this building is all gimmick. The bridge is "cool" on paper, but it will mean absolutely nothing for the street presence of this building.

As far as I'm concerned, they could take as much height as they want if they were to go the route of Clear Spirits: a 4 storey, brown brick podium with glass point tower. That would fit into the neighbourhood much better.
I've got to say, I think this is one of the more interesting condos under review right now in Toronto. I think it represents a nice development forward for aA, taking off from the bases of the Distillery and Market Wharf condos in terms of solidity, rhythm, etc. A nice move away from the pure glass wrapper. I also think that it could fit perfectly well into the neighbourhood. It's taller than it's neighbours, yes, but I think it has some of that tough, sturdy quality that exists in both the old buildings and some of the better new ones. This neighbourhood has a kind of at-grade density in which a taller building here and there could be an asset, or at least not a problem.

When people look at this one and scream 'atrocity', I'm left scratching my head a bit.

ps. Shout out to Urban Shocker - this time I'm defending aA, can you believe it?
