I've never read such drivel.

I hope you have your fingers and toes crossed as $1800 or more per square foot is one gamble I wouldn't even bet a dollar on. No offense but you're an arrogant pathetic joke and no doubt is part reason for the mortgage crisis in the US right now. You've proven to know nothing about the market here, it's fine print, nothing about the property's location, nothing about the development team, and simply bought into the project because of the name of the management and branding. (10 year contracts mean squat if the Trump name doesn't deliver and don't forget Toronto will an abundance of luxury hotels in the near future) I hope you do well and get your $1800 a square foot but, please, get off your high horse. Not everyone here is just a fan.
These arguments about the Trump name have less to do with the real estate market and more to do with local culture. Trump is not synonymous with value or desireability. Instead, he's tied his brand to reality TV schlock and real-estate gimmicks of the kind you see him peddling at the Learning Annex. Maybe his name is worth something in the states, but here, it's proof that brand recognition and brand value aren't the same thing. There are several luxury skyscrapers that didn't have to be foreshortened after years of sales due to, uh, elevator problems.
I think it's all the NAYSAYERS who are trying to save themselves.

First they tried to insist that trump would never get built.

Now that they know it is, they've moved on to trying to argue it won't be worth anything.

Honestly, I've learned that most opinions expressed in internet forums are completely baseless, and mean next to nothing. It's simply a forum for meaningless discussion and speculation.

That being said, my own opinion is that this building will do just fine. Sure it doesn't currently exist in a thriving and exciting area, but once it's built, it may CREATE one.
There are several luxury skyscrapers that didn't have to be foreshortened after years of sales due to, uh, elevator problems.

Yeah, that explanation for the shortening was hilarious.
He obviously made enough money to purchase a unit in this building. And he obviously knows more than any of us when it comes to making money.


I'll give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to how he invests his money.
I've learned that most opinions expressed in internet forums are completely baseless, and mean next to nothing. It's simply a forum for meaningless discussion and speculation.

That being said, my own opinion is that this building will do just fine

On the basis of opinions expressed on internet forums...

sorry, but ya dug the hole yourself.
On the basis of opinions expressed on internet forums...

sorry, but ya dug the hole yourself.

I realize that....

Anyway I could quite easily open another account and post how I think that within 3 years each unit will be worth at least $10,000 per sqft. I could base this assumption on absolutely nothing, and it would still be JUST AS legitimate as most of the opinions based here.
now boys .... play nice

Well I'm not trying to discourage conversation or anything... I mean that's what these forums are all about. I'm just saying this is probably the last place people should look for advice about "investing".

That being said, I'm sure InTheKnow, having actually invested in the property, knows a little bit more about its potential then some random posters.
the trump project in Chicago, if you've been there recently, is damn impressive... but as others have said about the Toronto one, why oh why at bay and adelaide.. such a mediocre location to live
I don't know why people say the location is so bad. It's downtown. 'Nuff said. It's like a 5 minute walk to Eaton Centre, 10 minute walk to Queen St. This isn't Vaughan for eff's sake.
first of all gei, as you grow older you will earn to recognize when someone is acting from a biased point of view... and more than that: blatant marketing and creating hype.

secondly about the location... while it is centrally located, it is crammed in on a very tight lot, southeast views and north views will be completely blocked by Scotia and Bay Adelaide which are in very close proximity. In that general neighbourhood I have stayed at 1 King West on a couple of ocassions and while it is cool to be up high amongst so many tall buildings, for the most part the views are blocked rather than impressive. Views are always more impressive from a distance when you can see the big picture and not just the neighbours. This is a desirable business address, perhaps not so much as a residential one. I found it odd that Trump (and / or his business partners) selected this location and that the city allowed this sort of density... ah well, money talks.
first of all gei, as you grow older you will earn to recognize when someone is acting from a biased point of view... and more than that marketing and creating hype.

The only speculative thing I mentioned in my post is that I expected it to increase from the $1400 per sq. ft. selling price today to $1800.

If I was interested in hyping it, I would have picked a growth rate greater than roughly 25% - 30% over a two year period. If you want to look back over the last 18 months, the property is selling at a 80% premium already.

You seem to be hung up on the view as the "ONLY" value proposition for buying real estate like this. You forget that it is in the heart of the business district for people who work there, close to many amenities downtown, 5 star amenities inside the building, and believe it or not, there are a great many people who respect Trump and want to be in a building he is involved with.

If I am creating "hype", are you creating anti-hype?
I'm pretty sure "billionaires" don't become "billionaires" by throwing away money to "save face"

Do the math...

5 years = $350 Million dollars value of construction
Project final value = $500 Million dollars

Throw in the cost of land and carrying costs, and it still looks like pure profit to me, not to mention any management fees that the developer gets to keep after Donald gets his share.


The project is more hotel commerical than it is residential. - And the location is central to say the least.
