With this project everyone's ignoring the obvious elephant in the room: the roof has a pointy top!
revised design from Zeidler Roberts:

investor is an idiot that nobody takes seriously and InTheKnow is just the opposite end of the spectrum.

exactly - well stated and concise.

I edited my previous reply about our Canadian personality. Incase nobody sees it, I will state it here also: we are not Star Gazers. we are more interested in content rather than hype and speculation, in the character of others as well as condo developments.
exactly - well stated and concise.

I edited my previous reply about our Canadian personality. Incase nobody sees it, I will state it here also: we are not Star Gazers. we are more interested in content rather than hype and speculation, in the character of others as well as condo developments.

Since you missed the irony the last time, once again you were able to speak on behalf of all of us. Thank you!
uh..."nabru"......welcome back....

/not really...
Is there an UT AA program out there? We are all clearly addicted, so I can understand investor's addiction.:)

Investor: broaden your horizons here, learn to write better English, and you'll succeed with your UT "investment.";)
Isn't there a party in dorm room B-7, I mean Cityplace Matrineotageo that you need to get to kid? I saw some guy puking up his dinner over there earlier. Quick someone call the concierge to clean it up? What, he's busy navigating the fire trucks through for the 8th false alarm of the week? And then he has to go pick up the all the beer bottles in Floor 12? Why are there so many pizza delivery cars in the driveway? And who called a taxi to take us to King Street? Dude, wouldn't it be fun to see if we can vandalize all the furniture in the lobby?

-scene and heard on a typical weekend at Concord Cityplace

No offense towards anyone, but I found this scenario amusing.
Isn't there a party in dorm room B-7, I mean Cityplace Matrineotageo that you need to get to kid? I saw some guy puking up his dinner over there earlier. Quick someone call the concierge to clean it up? What, he's busy navigating the fire trucks through for the 8th false alarm of the week? And then he has to go pick up the all the beer bottles in Floor 12? Why are there so many pizza delivery cars in the driveway? And who called a taxi to take us to King Street? Dude, wouldn't it be fun to see if we can vandalize all the furniture in the lobby?

-scene and heard on a typical weekend at Concord Cityplace

urbantor/nabru/investor/whoever: I have an honest question for you. Has it occurred to you that you are a complete joke? Please quote this question and answer it.

Don't you realize that your behaviour and posting habits are weird and downright bizarre? I mean, you created a NEW account to support your own argument in another thread.

Do you actually post things thinking that someone will read it and value your opinion?

It must be obvious to even someone as deluded as yourself that no one takes you serously. So why in the world do you bother to continue posting? Are you actually just a satirical character trying to be amusing, or do you have some sort of psychological issue (ADD, multiple personalities, etc)?
Anyway that post was directed towards investor.

But for everyone else: here is my serious theory. I think that urbantor/nabru/investor actually wanted to buy a piece of Toronto real estate several years back but decided to wait for a market crash and save a ton of cash.

And now here he/she is several years later completely priced out of the market and very bitter. So he is trying incessantly to "will" the market back down.
This thread has become enormously painful to read.

Investor, you may or may not be right, but I really don't care anymore.
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? You've got a photo of the most embarrassingly incompetent developer- he doesn't even deserve that title- more like circus promoter- Toronto has ever seen as your avatar and you are calling investor an idiot?

Please grey, get some perspective.

I'm sure his avatar is meant to be ironic and funny.
now I would agree with that... very much along the lines of what I was trying to say yesterday. Of course their reply will be that only people who take themselves and their possessions seriously can be considered a "success". I think we really need to lose this notion that being a success is strictly tied to how much net worth you can amass... very 19th century thinking.
The truth is that you take yourself far too seriously whereas I simply don't. Happiness lies in what you do, not what you have. Remember that, if you remember anything.

Okay, I will remember that. I will also remember to smile more and give 110%.
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? You've got a photo of the most embarrassingly incompetent developer- he doesn't even deserve that title- more like circus promoter- Toronto has ever seen as your avatar and you are calling investor an idiot?

Please grey, get some perspective.

If I revered him as you keep assuming, wouldn't I pick a less goofy picture? The photo is from when Harry was escorted out of the Trump Tower opening party, humiliated.

Your posting is awesome when it's not of the sky-is-falling variety. After the smackdowns you've laid in this thread, I gladly retract my comment, but I think you'd encounter less resistance here if you didn't act like the Richard Dawkins of the Toronto real estate market.
