The only speculative thing I mentioned in my post is that I expected it to increase from the $1400 per sq. ft. selling price today to $1800.

From $1,400 at the time of purchase to $1,800 today would not be unusual as this property is not a regular market condo. Rates of appreciation for downtown condos have been very good over the past few years, and it would not surprise me if the luxury end of the market would see such increases in value on a building yet to be completed.

The issue I raised earlier is whether the value will increase at all over the next while due to a potential downturn in the economy. That's why I made a remark about "buy and hold."
That being said, I'm sure InTheKnow, having actually invested in the property, knows a little bit more about its potential then some random posters.
You're sure? Everything he just posted was complete fluff.
I propose Urban Toronto's first ever cage match between the often banished "Investor" and his nemesis "InTheKnow07" !!! If we are lucky, neither of them will emerge from the battle...
I propose Urban Toronto's first ever cage match between the often banished "Investor" and his nemesis "InTheKnow07" !!! If we are lucky, neither of them will emerge from the battle...

A heck of an idea!
Lets have Grey be the referee.
He's usually pretty quick to point out spelling errors or when things get off topic. (a little slow this time though):p
You are delusional and clearly desperate for validation of an extremely unwise financial choice likely made in haste.

Kindly provide hard evidence of any bona fide sales (free of massive developer kick-backs to give the illusion of higher sticker prices) in the $1,400 per square foot range. Something tells me it's just another case of the nefarious developer selling himself a suite for some absurd amount merely to generate some badly needed positive press and hype around this obviously failing project.

Sure it will get built. There's a billionaire behind it more interested in saving face and accepting a slight loss (or greater) on his investment than dealing with the shame of walking away and cutting his loses.

However, common sense tells us (what condo project in this city takes 5 years to get built and can still honestly show a profit?) that interest in the promoter's brand is falling faster than the zeitgeist for tenous real estate investments everywhere, let alone the completely untenable residential location of bay and adelaide.

It's almost as if the promoter didn't bother to educate himself on the local market before signing on for it...:rolleyes:

I'm not looking for your validation. My validation comes from three previous Trump investments and I am confident Toronto will prove to be as successful as the others.

If you want proof on current valuations and sales, call them yourself. 1-866-91-TRUMP. They would be happy to sell you a unit!

Here is the logic several of you have used on this project:

1) Nobody would pay $600 per sq. ft. in Toronto (currently $1400 sf, Ritz and 4 seasons are at least that or more)
2) Building location sucks and nobody would buy here (over 70% sold now)
3) People in Toronto hate Trump (He got $1.5M for a 1 hour appearance last year in Toronto and 33% of purchasers are from Toronto)
4) This project is doomed and will never get built (cranes expected within 2 weeks)
5) The developer knows the project is a failure and is building it only for his own ego (Are you kidding me?? Look at Caltranes numbers in his post)
6) Any successful details about this project are fluff/marketing hype (just keep watching the construction folks!!)

P.S. How many of these quotes came from you grey?
Can we just stick to the actual 'building' of the tower instead of this tiresome debate ??????????????
I'm not looking for anyone's validation. I have validation over three previous Trump building investments and am confident Toronto will prove to be as successful as the others

If you want proof on current valuations and sales, call them yourself. 1-866-91-TRUMP

Here is the logic several of you have used on this project:

1) Nobody would pay $600 per sq. ft. in Toronto (currently $1400 sf, Ritz and 4 seasons are at least or more)
2) Building location sucks and nobody would buy here (over 70% sold now)
3) People in Toronto hate Trump (He got $1.5M for a 1 hour appearance last year in Toronto and 33% of purchasers are from Toronto)
4) This project is doomed and will never get built (cranes expected within 2 weeks)
5) The developer knows the project is a failure and is building it only for his own ego (Are you kidding me?? Look at Caltranes numbers in his post)
6) Any successful details about this project are fluff/marketing hype (just keep watching the construction folks!!)

P.S. How many of these quotes came from you grey?

I personally enjoy your posts. It's nice to have someone who has an actual vested interest in a project such as this rather then the usual collection of pimply faced dreamers that infest this board. Your enthusiasm for the project can be rather infectious which was helpful for people like myself (a fan of tall buildings) when it appeared this project might not go ahead.

You may not have spent much time in this city so I'll pass on a little information and it is this: This city (and this country for that matter) resents people who are successful. We much prefer to see people fail. That's why 99% of the posts on this board are people complaining about something. And of those 99% probably none of them even own a condo they just like to complalin about what others do. An example is when there was discussion of an NFL team coming here there was no shortage of people opposed to the idea simply because they did not want a team here. "Live and let live" does not exist in this country.
I personally enjoy your posts. It's nice to have someone who has an actual vested interest in a project such as this rather then the usual collection of pimply faced dreamers that infest this board. Your enthusiasm for the project can be rather infectious which was helpful for people like myself (a fan of tall buildings) when it appeared this project might not go ahead.

You may not have spent much time in this city so I'll pass on a little information and it is this: This city (and this country for that matter) resents people who are successful. We much prefer to see people fail. That's why 99% of the posts on this board are people complaining about something. And of those 99% probably none of them even own a condo they just like to complalin about what others do. An example is when there was discussion of an NFL team coming here there was no shortage of people opposed to the idea simply because they did not want a team here. "Live and let live" does not exist in this country.

Thanks for your comments pancsi. For the record, I love the city of Toronto or I wouldn't have followed Trump there. There are several cities I have passed on that Trump built in but I couldn't pass up another reason to get back to one of the cleanest, large cities in North America. I am excited about all the new construction downtown and am excited to see the Ritz and the Four Seasons building there as well.
oh please... live and let live certainly exists in this country and especially in this city. What other big city has the mix of ethnicities and income levels living side by side in such harmony?

what we dont like is Star Gazing and people hyping things from a biased point of view for their own benefit. If InTheKnow has purchased a unit here and plans to spend some time in the city (before flipping it?) then by all means he is welcome and I hope he enjoys himself. From my point of view he comes across as being obssessed by dollar signs rather than a fan of architecture or city building. Discussions of numbers are perhaps best targeted to the Real Estate threads rather than here... otherwise as Grey states it comes across as someone blowing a lot of smoke for their own benefit and ego.
3) People in Toronto hate Trump (He got $1.5M for a 1 hour appearance last year in Toronto and 33% of purchasers are from Toronto)

Well, let me address point 3, since that was my hobby-horse.

Trump's appearance at the Learning Expo was well-attended, but by whom? People shopping for get-rich-quick schemes and reality-TV groupies. Are these the people buying luxury apartments?

The next year's Wealth Expo was curtailed to a single-day event, and Trump did not appear in person, but via satellite. The market spoke - just like it did with his tower.
oh please... live and let live certainly exists in this country and especially in this city. What other big city has the mix of ethnicities and income levels living side by side in such harmony?

what we dont like is people hyping things from a biased point of view for their own benefit. If InTheKnow has purchased a unit here and plans to spend some time in the city (before flipping it?) then by all means he is welcome and I hope he enjoys himself. From my point of view he comes across as being obssessed by dollar signs rather than a fan of architecture or city building. Discussions of numbers are perhaps best targeted to the Real Estate threads rather than here... otherwise as Grey states it comes across as someone blowing a lot of smoke for their own benefit and ego.

but it were purely for financial gains then he would not be welcome? Canadian!
I personally enjoy your posts. It's nice to have someone who has an actual vested interest in a project such as this rather then the usual collection of pimply faced dreamers that infest this board. Your enthusiasm for the project can be rather infectious which was helpful for people like myself (a fan of tall buildings) when it appeared this project might not go ahead.

You may not have spent much time in this city so I'll pass on a little information and it is this: This city (and this country for that matter) resents people who are successful. We much prefer to see people fail. That's why 99% of the posts on this board are people complaining about something. And of those 99% probably none of them even own a condo they just like to complalin about what others do. An example is when there was discussion of an NFL team coming here there was no shortage of people opposed to the idea simply because they did not want a team here. "Live and let live" does not exist in this country.

Ah... so there are some normal people out there.

One thing though, I don't think people in REAL life are as prone to complaining and whining about nothing as people are on internet forums. Everyone on an internet forum is a so-called "expert" and known more than the next person.

Although a perfect example of the type of jealous person you are talking about is this investor aka urbantor aka nabru person. He is continuously banned and keeps reappearing to post his doom and gloom predictions, and tell us how much every project sucks and is destined to fail. My question is: why??? :confused:

It's actually disturbing that someone can be so bitter.. you'd think some developer built a condo on top of his family's house or something.
what we dont like is people hyping things from a biased point of view for their own benefit. If InTheKnow has purchased a unit here and plans to spend some time in the city (before flipping it?) then by all means he is welcome and I hope he enjoys himself. From my point of view he comes across as being obssessed by dollar signs rather than a fan of architecture or city building. Discussions of numbers are perhaps best targeted to the Real Estate threads rather than here... otherwise as Grey states it comes across as someone blowing a lot of smoke for their own benefit and ego.

I want to thank you for establishing the rules of YOUR blog. I will do my best to conform so that I do not upset anyone on your forum any further. Please accept my apology
Although a perfect example of the type of jealous person you are talking about is this investor aka urbantor aka nabru person. He is continuously banned and keeps reappearing to post his doom and gloom predictions, and tell us how much every project sucks and is destined to fail. My question is: why??? :confused:

investor is an idiot that nobody takes seriously and InTheKnow is just the opposite end of the spectrum.

Here's the conflict as I see it:

1. This building will, in general, be a good addition to the area, architectural tastes and branding aside. I think most of us agree on this point, however...
2. The development has been an absolute gong show since inception, and a small minority of posters, for some unintelligible reason, are trying to deny that.
3. InTheKnow is clearly emotionally attached to his investment (understandable), but his defense is straight out of the brouchure. His adherence to the hype machine is ripe for ridicule.
4. Also, he's getting a little ridiculous by digging up old quotes and rubbing them in peoples' faces going "HAHA ITS GETTING BUILT TAKE THAT!!" which only stenghthens the resolve of people who find the Trump brand and this project tacky and ridiculous.
