Copyright ©2008, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.

It's American so I imagine we don't follow it?
ASHRAE is a private organization. It has no jurisdiction here or in the US. However the standards of private standard setting bodies are often adopted by governments because they are a reliable source of information. I don't know if ASHRAE codes are used here, but they have zero jurisdiction.
Yes it's a code we follow here in Ontario...just like N.F.P.A. another US organization, that we must follow.

We follow these codes like many others.

If you look you can find the program on the web site or purchase it. I did when it first came out. In fact took a little seminar presented by the Gas Co. at the time of this new requirment and working the software.

Again this may not apply to Commercial buildings because of the flexibility in the MECHANICAL systems...but in a Condo it's not the same.

Green regards,
Please note the past we would Submit to the City the forms 3 of them 1 is with Eng. and Arch. to stamp. plus we would hand in the calculations but seems past 5 years or so...City does not ask for the calculations, just the Eng. and Arch. to stamp the first form and sign it of course, saying it's all to standard.:rolleyes:
I do go into bit more detail under the MintoMidtown thread' since it's built and very glassssssssssy :D.
Green regards,
Also if anyone want's more info no prob. more then happy to help. You can even try it yourself and see if the building you live in passes.

And remember the life spam of the buildings costs for the mech. and elect. way surpass the cost of the building construction cost.

Green regards,

PS also just because other buildings are all glass does not mean its ok...that's what I am trying to many I see FAIL :mad: plus if you notice not ALL buildings are this ALL glass type...some of the more experience developers don't build all glass buildings. I know I would not just on moral grounds.
Ok Grey no prob. y'r not the only one out there :D

May be others in these and many other building wondering if there building is to code. cause I see many built already and MANY planned that DO not even come close to meeting this REQUIRMENT.

Plus Grey you can always go to the web site get all the info you want :cool:
get the info and see for yourself.

Have a good night,
Please learn proper forum posting etiquette. It's really simple. Try editing your last post, instead of making post after post after post of off topic information.
Ok Grey no prob. y'r not the only one out there :D

May be others in these and many other building wondering if there building is to code. cause I see many built already and MANY planned that DO not even come close to meeting this REQUIRMENT.

Plus Grey you can always go to the web site get all the info you want :cool:
get the info and see for yourself.

Have a good night,

I appreciate the info, but you've posted the same thing in every single thread. Give it a rest!

You seem to be passionate about the topic, so maybe you should consider posting a thread about ASHRAE 90.1 or HVAC in general and anyone who honestly cares will discuss it with you there. You don't need to shove it in our faces.
Sure hope this building hook's up to the Central lake water cooling system in downtown Toronto...cause they will need it...I don't think this building will pass the ASHRAE 90.1 calc's what is Code.

You figure a developer from the US will know that all high-rise building must follow this code.

Are lot's of Condo's/Apartment buildings in the US cities mostly all glass like so many in Toronto?

This is going to be HUGE problem for some of the buildings with MOSTLY glass...they don't seem to pass the ASHRAE 90.1 software.

Green regards,

Boy svenglezz, I bet you're the life of every party now aren't you.

I can just picture all of the panicked party guests coming up with secret hand signals for each other trying to ditch you.

Maybe you and Dichotomy should hook up.
