So, what about that Trump Tower that is soon to start construction?

Any nasty wagers to be made about starting times?
By acquiring the land next door genius.
If vultur so blithely believes--or at least advocates--that the National Club is nothing more than land next door to be acquired, well...yeah, I get it, Ayn Rand rools, Jane Jacobs drools, etc...
Donald Trump has never filed for bankruptcy. His casino operations did once, if I recall correctly, but he never has. Perhaps you should brush up on your footnote fact checking?

A quick Internet search reveals that his casino division entered bankruptcy twice -- once in 1992 and again in 2004. By Trump's own admission, his real estate holdings came to the brink of insolvency in the early Nineties.
^^...such master baiters.

master-baiters are people wise enough to make to love to someone they actually care about.

Trump content: I may be the only one, but I like the building, always have. I even like the much-reviled quarter onion on top. @900' plus, this stubby version will still look impossibly lean 'n tall. It will soar.
His ability to get difficult projects built (you think National Club is tough, read about some of his battles in Manhattan- land assembly is not something that happens overnight) is very impressive, however it is far outweighed by his disgusting character and oversized ego. Ironically, if he had genuinely set his mind to building a condo in Toronto I don't doubt for a second that it would have been successful and inspiring, but instead of doing so he Mcfranchised out his name and now buffoonish likeness to the oft-stumbling steel oligarch and appointed his inexperienced offspring to man the wheel. Brand dilution as its finest.

Trump Tower on 5th and Tower International Hotel on CPW are landmark buildings and are built for the right market. If he spent more than 6 minutes in a helicopter in Toronto he would have realized that this project was doomed from the start. Too bad we didn't get his daughter to supervise this one- at least there would have been some interesting Page 6-gossip once every couple months.
His ability to get difficult projects built (you think National Club is tough, read about some of his battles in Manhattan- land assembly is not something that happens overnight)
Does the National Club register with you as anything but raw real estate?
vultur : 1

urbantoronto : 0

Trump groundbreaking has been moved back to October.

The groundbreaking event was moved two weeks because of scheduling conflicts with The Trump Organization... but now, Mr. Trump, Don. Ivanka and Eric will be attending. To me, that's worth it!
The groundbreaking event was moved two weeks because of scheduling conflicts with The Trump Organization... but now, Mr. Trump, Don. Ivanka and Eric will be attending. To me, that's worth it!

This thing will get built- it just won't be a financial success, in my opinion. Harry Stinson built a tower- look how that turned out.

The appearance by the foregoing lot is evidence of the desperation of the development group to (re)establish any credibility for the project.

Maybe this time Chump will stick around long enough to understand why he chose such a dreaded location to Mcfranchise his name.
Trump's prestige is enhanced whatever happens - in the unlikely event that it is actually built, Labelwhore Toronto becomes world class enough to carry his brand, and when it isn't ... we aren't.
Think so Shock? I disagree. I think his sinking brand becomes more diluted with every failure. Tampa was the tip of the iceberg. A few of the Trump Org proposals have come my way in various locations. They certainly are top-heavy as far as fees are concerned. Good for him for being able to leverage his name, but by doing it so recklessly (Bay Street is a prime example) he will ultimately feel the backlash.

The Four Seasons on other hand, totally understands the concept of branding and is led by a founder who shuns the spotlight instead of exploiting it. Isadore Sharp is a true developer- Trump just plays one on TV.
he Mcfranchised out his name and now buffoonish likeness to the oft-stumbling steel oligarch and appointed his inexperienced offspring to man the wheel.

That's how most of the buildings bearing his name were built. He owns very little interest in any of them, if any at all.
