That was the original BAC concept. They also shopped it around with a dome. If you rented enough space, you could choose the hat.
... and the original design for what eventually became Trump had a Quasimodo bell tower - what a swell couple they'd have made.
ah, the original Bay-Adelaide... dreams of what could have been! Somewhere in an alternate universe, that building was completed and saved us from the banal (soon to be x3) box we actually got. Great render image, thanks - had not seen that particular one before.
I'd forgotten how second tier Vegas hotel it was. And yet, it's not really worse that what got built. It's just awful in a different way.
That tower would look great ... on the Louisville skyline.

Edit: I was referring to the BAC render. You're right, Trump 1.0 is more Las Vegas.
Before Trump was ever imagined a different BA render existed. It seemed like no matter what would get built it would bring a spire to this location. This picture is circa 1989.


I remember this so well. Adele Freedman, the prominent architecture critic at the time, said the design was stale even at the time the initial renders were published. A bad office space situation got this project mothballed, all the while it had been approved by the city. Just think, we could have had some tacky 1980's pomo to behold. Just the thought gives me indigestion.
Well, at least it had character, though it would have clashed horribly with Trump. I wouldn't mind seeing a couple peaked roofs on the skyline.
I remember this so well. Adele Freedman, the prominent architecture critic at the time, said the design was stale even at the time the initial renders were published. A bad office space situation got this project mothballed, all the while it had been approved by the city. Just think, we could have had some tacky 1980's pomo to behold. Just the thought gives me indigestion.

but we did get some 'tacky 1980's pomo' whose 'design was stale even at the time the initial renders were published'! its called Trump Tower Toronto.
While I much prefer the original BA to the bland-o-matic threesome we're inevitably getting, it would've been an overdose in such close proximity to the completed Trump. I have a soft-spot for PoMo, but it has to be used sparingly.
I'm not fond of what we got and seem to be getting at the next phases BA, so I feel odd defending it… but that PoMo tower? Yeesh! Thank goodness we dodged that bullet. BA West sits quietly enough on the skyline that its paltry contribution to the city can be ignored; from a distance, it's not difficult to pretend it's not there. So while what we got is dull, at least it's not some clumsily executed Middle America big-haired schlock that we'd regret every time we looked skyward.

^ +1 i will always prefer bland architecture to overbearing gimmick architecture
