There has been some construction type of flood lighting on the roof for the past several days.
This is why I'll never stay in any Trump hotel or buy any Trump-branded product. Toronto Star: Is he kidding? Trump offers $5M to charity if Obama proves birth with documents. Does he think the President of the United States is a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice?

Billionaire and Barack Obama antagonist Donald Trump revived his quest to prove the U.S. president’s background isn’t what he claims and threw in $5 million for charity.

“I have a deal I don’t believe he can refuse,” Trump said in a video on his Facebook site at noon Wednesday after days of dangling bait about his “bordering on gigantic” revelation.

“If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications and his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice . . . a cheque immediately for $5 million,” Trump said.

One caveat: the records have to be released, said Trump, “to my satisfaction.”

Trump gave the U.S. president a deadline of 5 p.m. Oct. 31, one week away.
Oh not the "birther" issue again. I like Trump, he is doing a fine job making the Republicans look ridiculous, well even more ridiculous. This would be like Bill Gates asking Romney for 10 years of tax returns.
Kennedy was a celebrity too. And crazy right wing nuts did everything they could to stop him too. Unfortunately they succeeded. Trump doing this is as ridiculous a notion as the single shooter theory. All these things aside - this is a conversation that has nothing to do with the building other than drama surrounding it's namesake. Seems like a politics thread issue.
This is why I'll never stay in any Trump hotel or buy any Trump-branded product

Trump (the man) is a moron, but I have no problem with the Trump brand.
Rob Ford is a moron, but I'll still vote for him at the next election.

These things are bigger than one man's personality (or lack of!)
Rob Ford is a moron, but I'll still vote for him at the next election.

haha. My wording wasn't great.

What I was trying to say was I can separate the man, the politics, and the business.

Kinda like when you enjoy the music of an artist who's really a jerk. :)
haha. My wording wasn't great.

What I was trying to say was I can separate the man, the politics, and the business.

Kinda like when you enjoy the music of an artist who's really a jerk. :)

I don't consider myself a diehard Floridian and I certainly don't think Rahm is 'governing effectively from the left,' but this piece speaks quite well to the leadership vacuum which, for some reason, doesn't seem to bother you or your 'jerk' candidate / mayor even slightly.
Kinda like when you enjoy the music of an artist who's really a jerk.

In what twisted universe is Rob Ford's "work" any different from his personality? Every angle is quite consistently moronic.

The Trump "brand" is too tied to Donald to stand on it's own merits. To be honest, I find the ads with his daughter's pouty little face more annoying than her embarrassing excuse of a father.
In what twisted universe is Rob Ford's "work" any different from his personality? Every angle is quite consistently moronic.

Agreed. What the hell are you talking about? His saving of the gravy by doing a little more than cut the budgets for councillors and himself? Ya that's worth another term in office. He may have stumbled into getting thing or two right but the good is vastly outweighed by the bad. Come on man.
