I've seen the downtown core from a variety of angles across the city lately and I'm always drawn to Trump and the spire. It really has had a positive impact on the core as far as I'm concerned. A welcome addition to our fair city.

Now I can't wait to see the lighting operational. Could have quite the impact.
Trump overall could be better but I like it and the impact it has on the sky-line it's different and I think once it's fully complete and we see all the lighting effects etc. It will change a lot of peoples minds.
The 'crooked' spire could be a Wundt illusion.

I don't mind the crows nest, and the catwalk can't be seen at ground level, nor at the one single angle the building looks good at. One thing the designers could have done was to make a recessed catwalk into the dome. At least then it would be less visible.
I would invite everybody whose hackles have been raised by 88 Scott to redirect their ire here.

I think this is the worst piece of faux-historicist schlock built downtown in recent years (except maybe RoCP), and is a better lightning rod for almost all of the complaints thrown out on the other thread. All of the things people fear going wrong there actually have gone wrong here. The materials look tawdry, particularly the sea-green glass. The detailing is generally clunky from what I can see from the street. The onion dome is overtly and specifically derivative (Chrysler building), but worse than that, it looks like it is simply tacked on like a piece of costume jewelry - it never reads as an integral part of the building's form. And that mechanical box is pretty ridiculous on a building that's supposed to be all about skyline presence. I feel like there was a lack of inspiration and precision from beginning to end with this one.

Fortunately the skyline already swallows this thing pretty well already due to its near-claustrophobic siting between two taller buildings and it can be read as simply 'another building' despite its height. I just think that with that height and that location it could have and should have been so much more. I hope that architects working in this city in a semi-historicist mode can look to this project as a 'what not to do'.
steveve's day off. (though too cold to take enough photos)

November 30, 2011:







I would invite everybody whose hackles have been raised by 88 Scott to redirect their ire here.


Eb is not young any more but he always makes best efforts to respond. Send him your comments. Trump (exterior) is admittedly a total mess as executed (remember the architects had to design an entire building so perhaps there's more to look at). God is of course in the details and he may choose to comment on "what happened".

As you know, Eb designed the Eaton Centre, Ontario Place and lots of kewl things around the world ;-) Let me know what he says. If you choose to contact him.

BTW... the "onion dome" aka "quarter onion dome" which is actually an "1/8 onion dome" was somewhat novel when rendered sooo many years ago. Now, not so much.
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My expectations for TT is low, and at least they've been met. It sure beat the Kirkor proposal for the site - and we barely dodged that bullet.

Steveve, did you take any photos of the east side of the building, especially the bottom 10 floors? I'm curious (and fearful) to see what that looks like today.
I was walking on Avenue Road today between wilson and lawrence past my old apartment, and i noticed looking south all you can see peeking over the treeline is Trump Scotia and FCP. The impact on the skyline is phenomenal, at least in my opinion. Its clear that my opinion doesnt necessarily reflect the masses, but I love what the Trump tower does to the skyline, not to mention the increase in density and more permanent residents adding a more mixed use feel to the CBD. Love it or hate it, its not goin anywhere any time soon.
I would invite everybody whose hackles have been raised by 88 Scott to redirect their ire here.

I've been doing that since I was building babel:

I've been sticking pins in my Donald and Eb voodoo dolls for years now and hoping we get a new design - instead of this tired, mid-1990's retread of a Buck Rogers rocket ship disguised as a building.
( June 14th 2006, on this thread ).

You're late to the party, bengajijn, but welcome anyway!
Steveve, did you take any photos of the east side of the building, especially the bottom 10 floors? I'm curious (and fearful) to see what that looks like today.

unfortunately not, i hardly took any photos today... it was just way too cold! lol!

I was walking on Avenue Road today between wilson and lawrence past my old apartment, and i noticed looking south all you can see peeking over the treeline is Trump Scotia and FCP. The impact on the skyline is phenomenal, at least in my opinion. Its clear that my opinion doesnt necessarily reflect the masses, but I love what the Trump tower does to the skyline, not to mention the increase in density and more permanent residents adding a more mixed use feel to the CBD. Love it or hate it, its not goin anywhere any time soon.

i agree.. this thing has a great silhouette on the skyline... peaks like this i find toronto is lacking... we need something like this once in a while to mix things up from the flat rooftops.
The tower Trump,
Once a concrete clump,
Now looks like a pile of junk.
The designer should be a considered a dunce,
For pulling off this whacky, insane, architectural stunt!
My expectations for TT is low, and at least they've been met. It sure beat the Kirkor proposal for the site - and we barely dodged that bullet.

I don't think I've ever seen what Kirkor proposed for the Trump site. Are there any drawings or renderings of it I could check out? Would be good for a laugh.
I don't mind the building, at least, not from about one third up. The bottom third, with that cheap looking facade and badly placed windows, leaves a lot to be desired. But I think it's an interesting addition to the core, one that thankfully doesn't stand out like the BMO, but that affords some viewing pleasure from closer proximity, heading eastbound down Adelaide.
That clumpy glass tower thing look like an afterthought. Sorry, but it just isn't doing anything for that building. It look like it just got stuck on to the roof.
Many of you who have driven along the QEW out towards the Humber have probably seen the condo by the waterfront with the goofy concrete portico/gazebo thingy slapped up on to the corner of the top of the building. I do not know what that condo is called nor do I care. I always thought it was the dumbest thing ever, but along came this bad boy and 'trumped' it hands down.
