1. contrarian

1) A person who disagrees with the mainstream or accepted view because he believes it makes him look good and feeds his ego, not because his argument is well thought-out or rational.

2. contrarian

Someone who automatically tends to take the opposite point of view from the person to whom they're speaking, or to disagree with society at large out of a sort of knee-jerk reflex.


One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
Be that as it may, the building is not complete (or has not been completed). It looks unfinished (no surprise there since it hasn't been completed). It also looks like crap in its unfinished state, and I have no idea why it's taking so long to complete it.

Maybe we should get the Donald up here and see what he thinks of this building that almost has his name on it. Or we could try to find Donald Trum.
Be that as it may, the building is not complete (or has not been completed). It looks unfinished (no surprise there since it hasn't been completed). It also looks like crap in its unfinished state, and I have no idea why it's taking so long to complete it.

Maybe we should get the Donald up here and see what he thinks of this building that almost has his name on it. Or we could try to find Donald Trum.

Flawless post!

Now that the hotel portion is open, as long as hotel rooms are getting booked, I feel the completion of construction is less of a priority for TRUMP. I just hope they powerwash the building when it's done, because it almost looks dirty to me everytime I walk by.
tr.v. com·plet·ed, com·plet·ing, com·pletes
1. To bring to a finish or an end: She has completed her studies.
2. To make whole, with all necessary elements or parts

This is a pointless argument on semantics. The building is obviously "complete" enough for the CTBUH, or it would not be in their list.
Even the L Tower could be seen as complete at this point, even though it's not "finished".
I see the P is still not up on the north side as they are still working on the roof.


Be that as it may, the building is not complete (or has not been completed). It looks unfinished (no surprise there since it hasn't been completed). It also looks like crap in its unfinished state, and I have no idea why it's taking so long to complete it.

Maybe we should get the Donald up here and see what he thinks of this building that almost has his name on it. Or we could try to find Donald Trum.

The building reached substantial completion a long time ago. The hotel is done, and open. The restaurant is open. There are residents living in the condos.

I do know that the penthouse has yet to be completed, and last I heard, had yet to even be designed.

I've been trying to think about why the 'P' and that area of the roof have yet to be complete, but I'm drawing a blank.
once again, i'll define completed for you and shake my head in disbelief

tr.v. com·plet·ed, com·plet·ing, com·pletes
1. To bring to a finish or an end: She has completed her studies.
2. To make whole, with all necessary elements or parts

how can you try to argue with a definition
once again, i'll define completed for you and shake my head in disbelief

tr.v. com·plet·ed, com·plet·ing, com·pletes
1. To bring to a finish or an end: She has completed her studies.
2. To make whole, with all necessary elements or parts

how can you try to argue with a definition

I think you're problem is understanding the word "necessary" as a giant glowing "P" it is not at all necessary for the building to be functional for its intended use as a hotel and condo. It's merely decoration.
how can you try to argue with a definition

Because you're failing to recognize that within the construction industry "substantial completion" is a technical term that has its own specific definition distinct from the one that you're pulling out of the dictionary. You can be as obstinate as you want about this, but he's still correct, the building has reached substantial completion.
then let's agree to differentiate "completion" and "substantial completion", people have been throwing around "completed" around here a lot without qualifying the fact they are using a construction industry technical term. We can all agree this project is "technically" completed, but not completed.. Most people on this forum are not in the construction industry so forgive us for not reading up on technical terms.

We don't have to agree on anything. This is an urban issues forum, not one for the use of English language. As mentioned, the CTBUH considered it complete enough for ranking in their listing. If you feel the need to argue incessantly otherwise, feel free to do so elsewhere.

