Active Member
I found this on internet, it's not mine. Whoever took it is very good photographer.

It is a beautiful shot. One of my favourite public spaces -- but just in need of a little freshening up. It's the setting that makes it special, too.
It's funny for all this talk about how awesome NYC is (which it is!), there are a lot of New Yorkers who envy Toronto and would like to be a little less like the ground zero of greed & the epicentre of excess and a little more like us. Again, people see what they want to see -- cherry-picking the gems in other cities to prove their arguments. I see us being a beautiful city already.
A lot of great comments above however I think caution is warranted when comparing NYC and Toronto, they are very different cities, built in very different times. That being said it of course isn't bad to want the things you love in another city for your own city, in fact it makes perfect sense.
The other thing that caught me is the comment above that Berczy park is falling apart. Most of the beautiful parks I saw in NYC just a couple weeks ago I would also state are "falling apart" however that cannot be stopped and doesn't seem to detract from the parks themselves, im my opinion. In our cold climate a new park will look "old" after just one winter and isn't the main cause for the low quality of our parks. Like said very well above it is more about the design and functionality of most of our spaces that is severely lacking.
I for one am worried now that I have learned Berczy Park is set for a "renovation". If done incorrectly it could easily ruin one of our few nice parks/squares.
I'm completely agree with you. People need to understand that Toronto is not NYC or Chicago or Atlanta or London. Toronto is Toronto period.
I found this on internet, it's not mine. Whoever took it is very good photographer.
I for one am worried now that I have learned Berczy Park is set for a "renovation". If done incorrectly it could easily ruin one of our few nice parks/squares.
If you're interested, you can find more info about the renovation here
Typically I would say could never compete but I'll argue there is one exception ... Sherborne Park ! I'd say the qualtity of finishings (i.e. light poles / paving / benches / ...) is just as good as the parks you show in NYC ... but that's it, there isn't anything else in Toronto I'd compare to them. To be fair though Sherbrone park isn't exactly a square either.