There's a big difference in a condo. Drinking alcohol, you don't stink up the hallway. You just stink up yourself. Smoking pot, it travels through the vents and the whole floor smells. Contrary to your belief, not everyone takes drugs. It annoys all your neighbours who have to smell it. Being a personal choice doesn't make it right. You could rob or stab someone. That's a personal choice too. But is that the right thing to do?

With alcohol you have noise, empty beer cans/liquor bottles in the hallway or elevators, damage to property, etc.

I'd rather deal with someone who is high than someone who's drunk. I see your point, though. I'd hate for my place to smell like weed.
There's a big difference in a condo. Drinking alcohol, you don't stink up the hallway. You just stink up yourself. Smoking pot, it travels through the vents and the whole floor smells. Contrary to your belief, not everyone takes drugs. It annoys all your neighbours who have to smell it. Being a personal choice doesn't make it right. You could rob or stab someone. That's a personal choice too. But is that the right thing to do?

A condo with negative pressure in its hallways does not allow smells to penetrate into other people's units. Not to mention when people get drunk in a condo it often turns very loud and obnoxious. As for robbing or stabbing someone, I'm not sure how that relates in any way to what we are talking about.
There's a big difference in a condo. Drinking alcohol, you don't stink up the hallway. You just stink up yourself. Smoking pot, it travels through the vents and the whole floor smells. Contrary to your belief, not everyone takes drugs. It annoys all your neighbours who have to smell it. Being a personal choice doesn't make it right. You could rob or stab someone. That's a personal choice too. But is that the right thing to do?

That's such a lame example compared to the effects alcohol has on society and how many people die each year because people continue to drink and drive.
Seriously, so what? It is a herb. Educate yourself. Besides,the whole purpose I used the username is to show how quick ppl are to judge.You proved my point. I had to get down to your level to get you to notice.

I really don't have any problem with people smoking pot. I would suggest, however, that if you want your concerns as a single working mom with two kids moving into city-built housing taken seriously, it might be better not to choose a username that emphasizes your pot use. It just feeds into stereotypes, and doesn't do you any favours.
My next door neighbour is a chronic weed smoker. She goes out on her balcony every night 5 minutes at a time, every 20 minutes to smoke. When she smokes she coughs a lot. When she comes in from the balcony she slams the heavy glass sliding door shut. Every 20 minutes, every night all year round. In the summer it means if I want to have my door open I get to have the sour, acrid smell of her weed drifting into my place. If I want to sit out on the balcony and read, I have to listen to her hacking away. It's frigging disgusting. And it's stupid.
A condo with negative pressure in its hallways does not allow smells to penetrate into other people's units. Not to mention when people get drunk in a condo it often turns very loud and obnoxious. As for robbing or stabbing someone, I'm not sure how that relates in any way to what we are talking about.

It doesn't penetrate into people's units. But the hallway smells. I've had an encounter of the elevator door opening and the smell flooded into the elevator. I can't imagine people living on that floor who have to walk through it or whenever they open the door to go in or out. If the smell and flood the elevator, I'm sure it would go into their house for a few seconds too until it clears. Food also travels in the hallways sometimes, but at least food smells nice unless it's burnt. You said people should have choices, well robbing and stabbing is a choice people can make as well. It affects negatively on others. So is smelling weed. It affects negatively on people who have to endure it.

As for cans and bottles. Most seem responsible enough to dispose of the bottles rather than leave it in the hallway. Noise issue is another matter. I wish people would stop hanging out in the balcony and screaming when they're drunk. And there's been annoying instances where they pull fire alarms. Those people who pulled should be punished. Pulling fire alarms is not a game.

That's such a lame example compared to the effects alcohol has on society and how many people die each year because people continue to drink and drive.

Not all alcoholics drink and drive. There are responsible drinkers. But the ones that do have chosen to do so and should have their license suspended for breaking the law. It's a choice. People smoking weed can choose to stab people too if they wish to do so. They would be breaking the law and get put in jail.
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I really don't have any problem with people smoking pot. I would suggest, however, that if you want your concerns as a single working mom with two kids moving into city-built housing taken seriously, it might be better not to choose a username that emphasizes your pot use. It just feeds into stereotypes, and doesn't do you any favours.

For all you know I could have a medical condition and have a medical card to obtain it. So please keep your assumptions to yourself
I think this building is the most visually attractive in all of City Place. Just a little texture goes a long way, and this one stands out the most.

As for subsidized, social housing: I think it is, without hesitation, an incredibly important and healthy contribution to many neighborhoods. So long as the housing is properly maintained, managed, and the tenants are responsible--which the St. Lawrence Market neighborhood shows to be entirely possible--this kind of housing is a great thing.

I personally am looking into moving into Co-operative housing in the Market in the next few years. I like the idea of participating in the management of my building, forging strong relationships with my neighbors, and generally contributing to a small, well-knit community to which I belong as a renter. Obviously my taste for such housing stems in part from tacit philosophical beliefs I hold about society and ideal ways its members can coexist, and that others won't share those beliefs; but regardless, mixed-income development is crucial, in my opinion.
My delete-button finger is getting awfully itchy. I have it under control for the moment, but more off-topic posts on weed and drink will surely cause me to lose that control. Please post responsibly.


(Thank you Miscreant and others for staying on-topic.)
27 June 2012: I was not under the influence of any drugs when I took this shot but I am now...;)

I hope they plant a ton of mature trees along that street behind these Fort York Blvd. buildings, between the street and the railway lines.
I hope they plant a ton of mature trees along that street behind these Fort York Blvd. buildings, between the street and the railway lines.

It will be a continuation of the North Linear Park, so there will be plenty of trees and flowers planted. It will also be the start of Garrison Park. I doubt they will plant mature trees though. Probably the same trees they planted in front of Parade, which look pretty decent in terms of size.
