I find KPMB designs of late insufferable. It's like they have no idea how to do big/ tall building well. I agree that Teeple is far more interesting, an actual design studio vs. KPMB which is turning into a building assembly line. This particular one looks quite similar to Festival Tower, just take the white balconies and turn them into white frames.

I agree with you, I find their recent work uninspiring, unimaginative and boring. It seems to be the case with many of the larger firms in Toronto as of late - KPMB, DS, Zeidler .
26 August 2010: Here's where the towers will be placed:

The white window framed design posted a page back looks good. Is that the KPMB design? Because if so, I'd say it's very acceptable. I notice that DTAH is still listed as the architect in the thread title...
Not much to see yet (unless you love cranes)



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I only just saw now that this tower will be 41 floors. Wow. So this is TCHC's tallest project ever then? The tallest social housing project in Toronto's history?
Does anyone know if and what Concord will build across the street.

I was under the impression that Parade was their last project West of Spadina.
Does anyone know if and what Concord will build across the street.

I was under the impression that Parade was their last project West of Spadina.

Hi, that used to be the case but as urbancreamer says, there may be several new towers developed in these areas by Concord before the final tower (or at least as we know today), Signature, is released. :)
I appreciate the info. Thanks

Am looking forward to the road opening to Bathurst one day.
Hi, that used to be the case but as urbancreamer says, there may be several new towers developed in these areas by Concord before the final tower (or at least as we know today), Signature, is released. :)

Ha! I'm sure it was unintentional, but - "Urbancreamer"
Ha! I'm sure it was unintentional, but - "Urbancreamer"

Haha, actually, it wasn't unintentional; I was just being a little naughty. If you're having pleasant dreams, it may have a happy ending and thus I thought I would type creamer instead of dreamer! :p
Hi, that used to be the case but as urbancreamer says, there may be several new towers developed in these areas by Concord before the final tower (or at least as we know today), Signature, is released. :)

Wonder what is the fate of the Amsterdam Brewery building...i sure hope they incorporate it to this massive development.
I think it will be demolished - it is not 'heritage' - though their beer is pretty good.

Heck...that will be the third brewery that has left the area in the last couple years...Brick, Upper Canada, and now maybe Amsterdams..Gee where are we going to get beer when the government run Beer Store is closed.
