I thought this is how fins were done properly
Wait - should this thread be in the Transportation Forum?

Multiple Location

Just wanted to put in my two cents worth on the topic. There is a very logical reason for having numerous locations instead of a single super-location (super-tall).

Business Recovery. Should your single super-location be lost to business, or wiped out entirely, multiple locations ensure that you will have:

a) Several operations unaffected by a single incident.
b) Back up locations for displaced employees.

This, of course doesn't speak to the challenges of the black-out in 2003, but that incident was extraordinary.

You would put your most prominent business in the most prominent location with the lesser prominent business lines in satelite locations. This also gives you a presence throughout the downtown core and elsewhere - remember "out of sight, out of mind"
June 16 2009 update

The Fins making its way across the top


A closer look at The Fins

I think it would have looked better if they had gone with an opaque glass for the horizontal bands between the larger pieces of glass, to stay consistent with the rest of the tower. Or conversely if they had used the same tinted glass for all of the bands in the flyby section
I love it. I must admit, all three office towers that went up aren't perfect, but do more right than they do wrong. This I think is my favourite.
But if they made the glass opaque to the point where it looked like the rest of the building, it'd just make the tower look like it was an extra storey or two taller. No.. Doing it in the glass they've chosen was the right way to do it in my opinion. This way we can actually differentiate the fins from the rest of the building.
Agreed. They are suppose to look 'tacked on' as they are decorative and provide a 'frame' for the cladding on the rest of the building.
