haha :p But I like 300 Front and Tridel! I realize that they are 'conservative' builders, but frankly their upkeep and maintenance of their buildings over time is fantastic...plus, they are one of the very few developers who make their common areas and amenities look like 4 and 5 star hotels. I look at things from a different perspective, including practicality and real estate values, not necessarily architectural beauty.

That said, I do think that Ten York is going to look great and be one of their more striking projects!

I'm curious, is there anything you don't like? You seem to love just about every new development going up. Is there any dull, glass box that doesn't meet your approval or are you just missing the ability to criticize? (in some cases, that might be a good thing but I think having some expectation of quality is a good thing, in buildings)
I'm curious, is there anything you don't like? You seem to love just about every new development going up. Is there any dull, glass box that doesn't meet your approval or are you just missing the ability to criticize? (in some cases, that might be a good thing but I think having some expectation of quality is a good thing, in buildings)

I really do hate responding to internet trolls, but leave me alone, Dude.
That's going to be a very interesting corridor to walk through with 10 York, 1 York and Ice 1&2 all under construction at the same time. Wasn't there an office building supposed to be going in north of Ice as well?
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 130 HARBOUR ST

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 13 206166 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Jul 18, 2013

Project: Multiple-Use Building New Building

Description: Proposal to construct a 66 sty mixed use with residential bulding with 5 levels of below grade parking, 725 total residential units with 289 parking spots (25 of which are for visitors). New Address - 10 York St (additional addresses 120, 130 Harbour Street and 10 York Street).
got this email:

Zoning Approval Achieved

As required in the mandated Tarion Statement of Critical Dates (Schedule "OD" to your Agreement of Purchase and Sale referred to as the Tarion Addendum), we would like to inform you that we have received Formal Zoning Approval for your community.
With zoning, we can now move forward with the next steps in the permit process moving us one step closer to the start of construction; this process includes obtaining the Building Permit. Until this permit is in place only partial permits can be obtained which include Shoring & Excavation as well as Foundation. Once all permits, as well as financing are in place, we can then formally start the construction process for your community.
As we work through our permit approval process our Construction and Project Management Teams make every effort to keep our construction and occupancy schedules as accurate as possible. Once construction begins, and at other key benchmarks throughout the building process, we will compare our progress to your tentative occupancy date and provide notice advising you of the realistic expectations on the delivery of your new Tridel home.
We share in your excitement and are looking forward to delivering you the Tridel home you have imagined. Please contact your Ten York sales team at 416.596.9888 or via email at tenyork@tridel.com should you have any questions.
Three questions for you guys:

- Is Tridel the best condominium developer in the market, or one of the best three?
- Do you think Ten York going to be the best condominium tower in the south core of the financial district?
- Don't you think Ice , One York and Ten York towers will have a negative impact on Toronto view from the lake side since its going to block significant portion of the financial district?

I highly appreciate your interaction :)
-best developer: one of the best, if not the best if you disregard architecture
-best building? ICE is probably going to be the best looking, 10 york the best to live in.
-Depends on how 10 York turns out. if it is nice, I think it will look good from the lake. there will be plenty of views that allow yo to see both these and the financial district towers, so I think you will see the "typical" skyline shot move a little to include both clusters. 1 york and Harbour residences are Aa designed (same with ICE) so I they will look fine. the real question is whether 10 York looks good as Tridel is famous for producing not so good looking monstrosities. (though always high quality and good to live in, they just tend to be ugly)
I don't like Ten York for its effect on the skyline viewed from the lake. Our skyline was just starting to look really fine, with the addition of the twin slender towers of Ice. The slab of Ten York will obliterate Ice and really wreck the effect. It's too bad, too bad.
Ten York wont ruin the skyline view , you will just have to start taking skyline shots 100 ft in either direction on the island and you'll get a whole new perspective. There will still be plenty of views where ICE will be visible.
I don't like Ten York for its effect on the skyline viewed from the lake. Our skyline was just starting to look really fine, with the addition of the twin slender towers of Ice. The slab of Ten York will obliterate Ice and really wreck the effect. It's too bad, too bad.

My main problem with Ten York is that it seems more interested in pleasing eastbound drivers along the Gardiner. From the lake the tower looks banal and its crown looks straight out of the 1990s. With the dull exterior and Tridel's track record I continue to believe this tower is this decade's mistake by the lake.
- Is Tridel the best condominium developer in the market, or one of the best three?
Neither of the above as far as important architecture goes. Certainly they do well in terms of volume. In terms of architectural quality, aesthetics and placemaking, fine tailoring and finishes, looks, charm, enjoyment and innovation they've got a long way to go yet. 300 Front is, arguably, an aesthetic disaster on one of the most viewed sites in the city. An gross misfire and permanent insult to good architecture in Toronto, this is the kind of reason that Tridel is still not generally highly regarded.

- Do you think Ten York is going to be the best condominium tower in the south core of the financial district?
Not judging from the renders, nor Tridel's continuous failure to produce top-notch architecture, instead opting for the sturdy and passable. It looks to be inoffensive, and completely in step with the more mediocre buildings that make up the bulk of Southcore. What did help it were the revisions that saw it address the possibilities of it's irregular site. Whether the rest of the building takes advantage of its unique position remains to be seen.

- Don't you think Ice , One York and Ten York towers will have a negative impact on Toronto view from the lake side since its going to block significant portion of the financial district?
Blocking the view of the financial district is not a problem - the quality of the architecture that does it, is. So far the replacements we've seen have not all been up to the occasion. ICE might be the most notable exception. The rest have been far to alike in tone, colour, type and scale to be a substantially worthy replacement for the view that was lost. So long as One York does not challenge the consistent degree of monotony shown by the bulk of these towers, and do so in a meaningful and pleasing way, will it be just another example of value-engineered filler.
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