I'm with you, AG. I don't get it either. I'm thankful to live in a place that's not like Disney World or Dubai (same thing).

I will take conservative architecture over gaudy any day. At least our gems stick out here, like L Tower and Ice AND the DELTA (which I love).
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I'm excited to see this building go up. Tridel has an opportunity to really impress due to the prime location and visibility, the height is also pretty decent at 730+ ft. Any word on an estimated date for construction to commence ?
Tridel has a love affair with precast. Didn't we talk about how 300 Front was such a prominent address and look what happened there. Now we are talking about 10 York being such a vital address. The same thing will happen... we will be left with a mediocre building that is Tridel. Take a look at their website, it's littered with garbage architecture. Tridel is a builder with no balls - that's the bottom line. Take a look at Cityzen's or even Bazis' latest proposals and then at Tridels. See the precast at the bottom of Accolade...


Watch that same precast on Ten York.


300 Front was described as, "The pinnacle of sophistication meets the height of social indulgence in downtown Toronto."
Ten York is described as, "Chic, timeless, sophisticated."

I don't think Tridel really knows the meaning of sophistication.
I'm with you, AG. I don't get it either. I'm thankful to live in a place that's not like Disney World or Dubai (same thing).

Who here said they want buildings that are over-designed, Disney-esque, or Dubai-ish? We are talking about QUALITY of architecture and VARIETY of styles (not just fully-glazed point towers), not STYLE of architecture.
If Spandrel was banned....how would Tridel function? I like Tridel as a builder, but design-wise they are pretty poor.
Who here said they want buildings that are over-designed, Disney-esque, or Dubai-ish? We are talking about QUALITY of architecture and VARIETY of styles (not just fully-glazed point towers), not STYLE of architecture.

So how is Ten York over-designed, Disney-esque, or Dubai-ish? It's not. It's a conservative, modernist building that will fit in fine down here. It may not become a gem, but the gems will still stick out. The point was that Ten York is not going to ruin the skyline as mentioned earlier.
So how is Ten York over-designed, Disney-esque, or Dubai-ish? It's not.

Nobody said that Ten York is any of those things. We said that we are concerned about the use of spandrel, poor materials, etc.
Nobody said that Ten York is any of those things. We said that we are concerned about the use of spandrel, poor materials, etc.

Phew!! That's good. Ya, it should be a decent building and be striking in the skyline. Tridel is a quality builder who actually addresses homeowner concerns, so the spandrel should be quality and energy efficient at this price point.
...Tridel is a quality builder who actually addresses homeowner concerns, so the spandrel should be quality and energy efficient at this price point.

I agree. But on that note, the words ""The pinnacle of sophistication meets the height of social indulgence in downtown Toronto.", and, "Chic, timeless, sophisticated.", should be struck from their ad copy, now and forever. Those words are better suited to the penthouse of The Pierre in New York.
Haha, but you have to love real estate marketing terms though. Or any marketing for that matter.

I guess to most of the world's population who live in squalor, the opportunity to live at Ten York would be a dream come true. It really is all relative to what you are used to and what your current standards are.

I would say that the interior finishes here would be considered 'sophisticated' at the very least.
