What should be the permanent name for the park under the Gardiner?

  • The Artery

    Votes: 12 6.5%
  • The Bentway

    Votes: 79 42.5%
  • Under Gardiner

    Votes: 52 28.0%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 43 23.1%

  • Total voters
Boaty McBoatface, Cthulhu Allspark, etc. - all just more of the same. The internet has been doing this since the 1990s when it looked like the Northwest Territories would be renamed "Bob".

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

For those who don't know, the folks in charge of this one have clearly taken note of previous missteps (even though I personally adore Boaty McBoatface). This week, they revealed the identities of the members of the jury who will be charged with rooting through the hundreds of names submitted by the public and coming up with a shortlist that, I believe, the public will again be allowed to vote on. That's the better way to do these things in the 21st century...
I believe that is what Waterfront Toronto has done for all the naming competitions in which it has been involved (although someone correct me if I am wrong).
Maybe we could resurrect the names Tkaronto Park or Ataratiri Park for this project? I think they're neat.
The Jan WTDRP Meeting Minutes are out:


Great discussion about whether the scale and vision is realistic or indeed desirable, vis-a-vis timeframe and funding.


Thanks for sharing this link, interesting to read the meeting minutes. It seems like the initial idea was to make this a High Line type of project. In the sense that it would be a linear path underneath the Gardiner, however it would have "rooms". Every city now wants their own High Line!

Obviously the High Line works very well in New York but the panel does not seem to think it is as appropriate for this project, which I can understand. Will be interesting to see how it will evolves.

From reading the meeting minutes it seems like there is a stretch between Strachan and Fort York with a lot of potential, but it is less obvious what do with the other stretches. Sounds very much like this project is a work in progress.
Obviously the High Line works very well in New York but the panel does not seem to think it is as appropriate for this project, which I can understand. Will be interesting to see how it will evolves.

Not that it is likely they can afford it on the budget they have - but it would be amazing if they have a pathway suspended from underneath the Gardiner instead of one that is supported from below - it would free up the ground plane for everything else.

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Thanks for sharing this link, interesting to read the meeting minutes. It seems like the initial idea was to make this a High Line type of project. In the sense that it would be a linear path underneath the Gardiner, however it would have "rooms". Every city now wants their own High Line!

Obviously the High Line works very well in New York but the panel does not seem to think it is as appropriate for this project, which I can understand. Will be interesting to see how it will evolves.

From reading the meeting minutes it seems like there is a stretch between Strachan and Fort York with a lot of potential, but it is less obvious what do with the other stretches. Sounds very much like this project is a work in progress.

Yeah, the one mention of the High Line I wasn't so sure about was that of the ambition to do this project for a tenth of what the High Line cost (i.e. hopefully we won't get 10% of the uniqueness/specialness of the High Line.

Judging by people's tweets from the UG public consultation last night (Admins, will UT be publishing a story?), there are some neat ideas being bandied about. For me, FWIW, the two biggest concerns are how road crossings will be handled (please, *please* not pedestrian crossings; we need tunnels or bridges) and air quality.
@ADRM, did you make it to the public consultation? None of our staff was able to get to it last night.

@ADRM, did you make it to the public consultation? None of our staff was able to get to it last night.


Sadly, no—was planning but came down with the flu. I followed along best I could via Twitter, and noticed that https://twitter.com/normsworld was following along diligently. I gather the materials will be posted to the UG site next week.
Thanks for the link to Norm's tweets!

Still can't see this project being called anything but The Underway / The Under Way.

It needs to reference the Gardiner Expressway somehow and it's under the thing...
