Looks like this site is Cresford Developments' The Clover on Yonge/The Clover Condos. By architectsAlliance?

Montana Steele just registered the domain a week ago!
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Please delete this thread if it has already been created ^^

Does anyone know about this project?
It appeared in the Talkcondos website.

From Talkcondos : http://www.talkcondo.com/toronto/clover-on-yonge-condos/


5 days ago : http://www.century21.ca/Property/ON/M4Y_1L5/Toronto/The_Clover_on_Yonge_8_Gloucester_St

Developer: Cresford Development Corporation
Address: 559 Yonge Street
District: Greater Toronto Area
City: Toronto
Type: Condo
Development Status: Pre-Construction
Sales Status: Launching Soon
# Storeys: 44
# Suites: 600
Priced From: $200,000s


Talk Condo has the wrong address (it's 599 Yonge) and Mark Li's video shows the wrong building (he's using an image of the Gloucester Mews project to the north).

Things are coming up Clover.


So, this is no longer in Hariri Pontarini's hands. HPA were handling this for site owners Stancorp, but now that Cresford is developing the site, it has moved to their go-to guy Peter Clewes and architectsAlliance.

They are also telling me that it's now a 50-storey tower, but that probably means 44 storeys (as already approved) minus floors 4, 13, 14, 24, 34, and 44. If it turns out I'm wrong on that, I will amend the thread title.

There will also be "a precast/limestone 21 storey private residence with private elevator access" …and since that section closest to the viewer in the rendering above is 18 storeys tall, that would be 21 if you skip the 4, 13, and 14 of course.

Finally for now, this will be "abutting a 16,000 sq. ft park that frames the tower lobby."

More to come in coming weeks.

Can someone please develop another building next door called Crimson, so we can get all Joan Jett on that block?

And to take it a step further (presuming the imaginary Crimson condo is handsome as this one (I really, really miss that weird HPA angle though)), to quote Jimmy Eat World's "A Praise Chorus" - "Crimson and Clover, over and over".
I absolutely love the stone frame look to the shorter part of the tower. It reminds me of a lot of contemporary German architecture, along the lines of Max Dudler, etc. I wish that carried right down into the "podium" / to grade level.

Is that an Apple Maps base image? Really?

What could possibly be the issue with doing that? How much free time do you think most architecture firms have to create renderings?
This proposal looks like it will have a deadening effect at street level. Are we planning to cleanse Yonge by making another Bay St?

The good thing about Yonge is the varied retail and urban character. This proposal looks completely blank, sterile and suburban at street level.
Because it appears to be one long, double height glass facade along Yonge and a large parking vestibule on Gloucester.

Perhaps the image is strategically taken from a bird's-eye view to avoid the inevitable criticism that will come when people realize what they have planned for Yonge Street.
