I wouldn't worry. In 50 years we'll all be permanently stuck in VR anyway. You will chose whatever cladding you like. :)
A zoom-in and fly-over:

Beg to differ on that score. London has some magnificent "modern" architecture that we can only hope to have. I'd trade Lloyds or the Gherkin for almost anything in Toronto.

Terry Farrell on the other hand should stay far, far away.


Almost forgot that beauty - I keep forgetting we will see something similar as these staircases on The Well - unless things change


I decided to google some of his projects ... holy .. cow ... he has some truly gaudy creations.
At the same time, it 'appears' like he gets some fairly prominent work. How is that? Does his stuff have appeal to a certain segment? Is he connected? I mean some of the stuff I saw on google was so awful that you'd assume it would kill a career ...

I'd take one Terry Farrell in Toronto. Would certainly be different.
Almost forgot that beauty - I keep forgetting we will see something similar as these staircases on The Well - unless things change



He’s clearly going out of his way to build the ugliest and most dystopian structures he can conceive. I don’t get it. He’s been watching too much Sci-Fi

You know, I think this design concept might work on a very small scale (like, 3 or 4 stories), depending on context. Would be unique without being overwhelming (I think... I’m really not sure). But at the scale in the image, wow that’s just so overbearing and dystopian. Look at how tiny the people are compared to that monstrosity.

What’s the name of that structure, btw?
Would've loved to see more details on the skygarden we saw in earlier renders. Would be an amazing space, if they open it up to the public
