Why would you want to spend the time and resources to take a new pic just so that someone else's new project(s) are there for comparison? The potential leasee probably doesn't care. Also some of the original renderings for this project actually significantly predates the actual announcement I believe.

I think we maybe in peak First world problems. I'd rather them spend the energy, time and money on less VE.

Dude... it's just a conversation. It's not like we're all wringing our hands here.
Dude... it's just a conversation. It's not like we're all wringing our hands here.
If you were selling your house, would you like to show your whole street, including all the wonderful landscaping your neighbours have, and all their latest upgrades? Or would you rather just focus on your house instead?
You'd think with the hundreds of millions Oxford is spending on The Hub - they could afford a few thousand dollars for a CURRENT photo of southcore area in which to place the rendering for its marketing materials....or even hire a chopper and photog for half-a-day this past summer to get an updated perspective? This photo showing an uncompleted 10 York must be 18 months old. Sometimes it's these 'little things' that say so much.

Given how quickly things change in this area they'd have to do it every 4-6 months to stay current.
Oxford purports themselves as a 'world-class leading developer'. Then act like it. Be professional and keep current....even twice a year. sheesh.
Oxford purports themselves as a 'world-class leading developer'. Then act like it. Be professional and keep current....even twice a year. sheesh.
i understand your concern but the major concern for Oxford right now is to find a tenant and start construction as soon as possible. they literally dont give a flying effff about the renders.
Still no Site Plan Control application? I'm not sure where to search for those.

Given how eager they were to kick out the Port Authority, I expected they were working on other phases of design simultaneous to the zoning process.
Still no Site Plan Control application? I'm not sure where to search for those.

They've screwed themselves on this. There are no anchor tenants, maybe except RBC, who need a new office and could pay for this. They arent going to kick this off without at least a 40% lease ...
