I'm afraid the new website and new marketing materials (plus the 1 year delay) mean they are struggling with leasing. I hope I'm wrong, but it's not all as smooth sailing as we were hoping
I'm afraid the new website and new marketing materials (plus the 1 year delay) mean they are struggling with leasing. I hope I'm wrong, but it's not all as smooth sailing as we were hoping

Regarding the one year delay - perhaps coming to a more realistic schedule and timeframe given the current backlog and delays in terms of building permit reviews and approvals, along with the existing construction industry conditions - major constraints on the availability of trades and timely deliveries by suppliers.

I believe that at least some of the new renderings are a natural development following creation of detailed construction drawings - the details shown in the office area ceilings would not necessarily been know at the time the initial marketing drawings were prepared.

At this point in the development process, and given Oxford's deep pockets - my feeling is that it is too early to anticipate any specific reaction to the pace of leasing activities. If leasing is slow a couple of years or so from now, I think the most likely outcome then would be a slow-down and stretch-out in the construction process - similar to what has taken place with the Telus Sky project in Calgary.
I'm afraid the new website and new marketing materials (plus the 1 year delay) mean they are struggling with leasing. I hope I'm wrong, but it's not all as smooth sailing as we were hoping
Really? 2023 was never realistic considering they just received city approvals and have yet to get the necessary permits to proceed
You'd think with the hundreds of millions Oxford is spending on The Hub - they could afford a few thousand dollars for a CURRENT photo of southcore area in which to place the rendering for its marketing materials....or even hire a chopper and photog for half-a-day this past summer to get an updated perspective? This photo showing an uncompleted 10 York must be 18 months old. Sometimes it's these 'little things' that say so much.
You'd think with the hundreds of millions Oxford is spending on The Hub - they could afford a few thousand dollars for a CURRENT photo of southcore area in which to place the rendering for its marketing materials....or even hire a chopper and photog for half-a-day this past summer to get an updated perspective? This photo showing an uncompleted 10 York must be 18 months old. Sometimes it's these 'little things' that say so much.
what for, though? They want this tower to stand out
Then they should have just dropped it into that 1918 photo ;) Trust me, the boys in the lab have many ways to make their projects stand out. It's just lazy not to have the presence of mind to use a current, updated photo.
Not much different from watching CTVnewsnet all news channel. For years the backdrop photo was so far out of date, it showed Ice under construction, and it had been completed for a couple of years.
They updated it months ago. They should be good until 2022. A big corporation, just lazy, and it shows, for the few who notice.
Or use a drone... much cheaper, no?

Why would you want to spend the time and resources to take a new pic just so that someone else's new project(s) are there for comparison? The potential leasee probably doesn't care. Also some of the original renderings for this project actually significantly predates the actual announcement I believe.

I think we maybe in peak First world problems. I'd rather them spend the energy, time and money on less VE.

Why would you want to spend the time and resources to take a new pic just so that someone else's new project(s) are there for comparison? The potential leasee probably doesn't care.


Are you sure? I know someone once said that the most important thing to commercial office developers in Toronto was pleasing UT members. ;)
