Feb 16:


Gee, nothing that we dont already know ....but just cant wait to see this lot developed
I would imagine as a rental building this should break ground as soon as they get city approvals

Proj: 9145415-2
Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON
43 Gerrard St W, M7A 2H4
$74,000,000 est

Owner has submitted applications for Official Plan Amendment and rezoning. It is not known at this time when approvals will be in place. Schedule for design, tender and construction will be determined pending approvals. Further update fall 2012.
Owner's Representative and Architect will not accept unsolicited phone calls.
proposed construction of a 50-storey mixed use building containing 615 residential units as well as two levels of commercial space. There will be six levels of below grade parking.
499,800 square feet; 50 storeys; 6 storeys below grade; 615 units; parking for 333 cars
Category: Apartment bldgs; Commercial offices; Retail, wholesale services

From DCN.....http://www.dailycommercialnews.com/...8584dfbcf63d&projectid=9145415&region=ontario
To me, it looks like the designers were trying too hard to make capital-A Rotterdam-style Architecture... I just don't understand the point of stacking a bunch of different mini buildings on top of one another in such a way. I for one don't find the overall effect cool & innovative, but rather busy & disjointed.
looks pretty good imo...like the base...:cool:
Not sure how I feel about the stone base. Hmmm. This one's interesting. I like it, but I can't decide if it should be simplified/made neater or if I like just how odd it is.
I like colour but this is perhaps a bit too busy. The base looks good overall but I think too many different materials. And wow that must be like 1000 different floor plans.
I have nothing more to say other than I think it's absolutely fantastic. I must really be a sucker for colour.
I like the base and use of colour - boy do we need more colour in this city! I'm kinda' mixed about the tower portion, but I don't dislike it. As someone said already, at least it's different.
I'm wondering what the shadows to the north will be like with a tall, wide building like this on Barbara Ann Scott/College Park.
better then average glass box- i think its odd tower design will turn heads the podium base looks like it hits the street well
Is there a timeline on this ? Its a rental building so technically it can go up whenever.
