Not bad overall, though the rendering does suggest an abundance of mullions/spandrels - which is unfortunate considering its' neighbours.

To me, it looks like the designers were trying too hard to make capital-A Rotterdam-style Architecture... I just don't understand the point of stacking a bunch of different mini buildings on top of one another in such a way. I for one don't find the overall effect cool & innovative, but rather busy & disjointed.

Busy and disjointed, just like Toronto. In the contextual sense I like messy and disjointed architecture, within reason (depending on the reasoner).
If ever there was a case for some editing this is one. Where's the kitchen sink?
The splash of colours will be a welcomed addition and bring some variety to this section of the Bay canyon.
Busy and disjointed, just like Toronto. In the contextual sense I like messy and disjointed architecture, within reason (depending on the reasoner).

Does anyone know that this design is anything more than a concept for a a competition like the Signature Tower design we saw in that thread ( ???

It was already stated in that thread that the Signature Tower renderings were only a concept for a competition and would not be coming to fruition. Why do we think this one is anything different?

Personally I think it looks a mess.
Does anyone know that this design is anything more than a concept for a a competition like the Signature Tower design we saw in that thread ( ???

It was already stated in that thread that the Signature Tower renderings were only a concept for a competition and would not be coming to fruition. Why do we think this one is anything different?

Personally I think it looks a mess.

The rendering is consistent with the line drawings submitted with the preliminary application, so it's more than just a vision.
From the Raw Design website:

"The proposed 50 storey building is conceived as four shifting boxes stacked on top of one another, each defined by its own material palette, fenestration pattern and balcony type. The design allows for different responses to the hierarchy of streets, mitigates the environmental conditions such as solar gain and heat loss at each building façade, and maximizes opportunities for views at various levels.
The lowest box will be a 5 storeys podium housing residential units and grade related retail spaces while the other three boxes are strictly dedicated to residential uses. Common amenity areas are provided at the sixth floor spilling out onto a large rooftop terrace. On the ground level, overhangs and green walls are proposed for pedestrian comfort and streetscape enhancement. A shared lane also forms part of the design as a mid-block connection to improve vehicular and pedestrian transportation flow in the area."
an awkward looking building. i say ditch all that crazy texture and take it down a notch. this site deserves a lot more.
And then we're left with yet another boring glass box.
And then we're left with yet another boring glass box.

believe it or not, this particular strip of Bay (south of college to dundas) actually lacks glass boxes (does sick kids count?). since ROCP and Lumiere implemented some sorta stone/precast into their designs... and everything else is concrete bunker. so i wouldn't mind a sleek glass tower in this corner. :)
This is the first interesting building in a while. This city needs a few zany buildings mixed in with all the minimalist glass boxes.
Okay, gang, I took a while to stare at it and digest it. I like it. I think it works contextually. There may be an issue w.r.t. the view corridor, from lower Bay, (old City Hall backdrop) hence this tower may not see the light of day as proposed here.
Okay, gang, I took a while to stare at it and digest it. I like it. I think it works contextually. There may be an issue w.r.t. the view corridor, from lower Bay, (old City Hall backdrop) hence this tower may not see the light of day as proposed here.

That view is already marred by ROCP. This would block it out and provide a more modern and neutral backdrop to Old City Hall than ROCP's ill-thought PoMo roof line.
