That box is on the roof of something, but the way that they've built that thing it looks like a tempa-permanent construction. If I was going to hazard a guess I could see that being a temporary (3-4 year) home for on-site washroom facilities. Blueskin's not cheap, so it's not like they'd seal the structure with it if it was only going to be there for a few months, but there's no way that a rough framed construction like that is going to be a permanent feature of the building. It's gotta be a temporary home for something that needs to be sealed from the elements. Temporary site office would be my second guess, but if that's what it was it'd have been easier to just drop an office trailer on the roof.
Interesting piece of steel heading eastbound on the QEW. Looks like is for The One. Should be there around noon.

I believe it's the top of the freight elevator/mechanical room. That section is only 6 floors with an outdoor amenity space on the roof.
I thought it had something to do with the outdoor pool built in beside it.
I honestly can’t tell where this piece fits into either structure. Just noticed the angled piece in the middle.
Since most of the steel structure at The One is halted for whatever reasons, I am having a hard time seeing where that would fit. However, since 160 Front is still expanding their angular structure, it would make more sense if this was going there... be fair though, we could be both wrong. As I don't think 160 Front nor The One are the only buildings using weird looking steel beams currently under construction.
I don't know why they are moving so slow, it could be lack of workers or poor organization on the GC team, in all of my years in construction it has come down to 4 possibilities when things are moving slow, shortage of materials, shortage of workers, or client not keeping up with payments, i have also seen where there is total disorganization from the GC, i am only speculating on what i have seen in my years of working in the industry, hopefully they start picking up the pace.
HAHA - there is no GC - Mizrahi kicked them off the project to save costs from their own delays with the whole city permitting fiasco. Now, the big problem with not having all your ducts in a row and ripple effect with the stopping and starting of the project is that trades are already working flat out with a shortage of workers across the city and have been pulled off to do those. This doesn't help that Mizrahi does not have a great track record/reputation in the city - so they are probably getting the B&C teams from trades to do the work. Mizrahi is their own worst enemy - the project investors should be worried about their miss management.
the project investors should be worried about their miss management.
So are they? I mean, they are and have not made it publicly known. Or they don't see this as an issue yet. Or if they are a sleep at the wheel...which would be to more Mizrahi's advantage here.

Either way, I'm not sure we will ever know until real cracks show up in the scheme of things. In the meantime, projects stall or slow down for whatever *reasons...often in the end they get built.

*Note: This GC absentee thing was mentioned/discussed a number of pages back, I believe - around about the time Mizrahi obtained permits to build this above if my memory serves me correct.
HAHA - there is no GC - Mizrahi kicked them off the project to save costs from their own delays with the whole city permitting fiasco. Now, the big problem with not having all your ducts in a row and ripple effect with the stopping and starting of the project is that trades are already working flat out with a shortage of workers across the city and have been pulled off to do those. This doesn't help that Mizrahi does not have a great track record/reputation in the city - so they are probably getting the B&C teams from trades to do the work. Mizrahi is their own worst enemy - the project investors should be worried about their miss management.
It's amazing how those who come here to rag on Mizrahi hard all seem to be new users...
