It's amazing how those who come here to rag on Mizrahi hard all seem to be new users...
I am also a new user. I have a lot of knowledge about this industry and buildings in Toronto. You were also a new user once. Don't you want this community to grow and for new knowledge and perspectives to join it?

Also what point were you trying to make in your post?
HAHA - there is no GC - Mizrahi kicked them off the project to save costs from their own delays with the whole city permitting fiasco. Now, the big problem with not having all your ducts in a row and ripple effect with the stopping and starting of the project is that trades are already working flat out with a shortage of workers across the city and have been pulled off to do those. This doesn't help that Mizrahi does not have a great track record/reputation in the city - so they are probably getting the B&C teams from trades to do the work. Mizrahi is their own worst enemy - the project investors should be worried about their miss management.
If they had CentreCourt's GC on the job it might be topped out by now (CC projects seem to move faster than lightning).
It's amazing how those who come here to rag on Mizrahi hard all seem to be new users...
Not to mention, a there are a few regulars who do this too. So it's not just a habit of drive by posters. The question should become, is there any validity to their claims?

...to be fair though, and the elephant in the room, very few of us here want this project to turn into the Stump 2.0 if the slow down is a sign of something much more serious. Thus don't assume everyone who is posting negatively about it is doing so for ill intent. We just don't want to see this turn into an insolvent disaster.
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I am also a new user. I have a lot of knowledge about this industry and buildings in Toronto. You were also a new user once. Don't you want this community to grow and for new knowledge and perspectives to join it?

Also what point were you trying to make in your post?
This particular thread, of any I've lurked in or contributed to in my near eight years of using the site, draws an *awful* lot of zero-previous-post, just-signed-up-yesterday, green users who come and take jabs at Mizrahi. Mizrahi has some very, very disgruntled former partners. Now, I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist by any means, but there's something drawing a lot of entirely-negative newbs to this particular thread. And it's always about Mizrahi himself and how he's doomed to fail.
This particular thread, of any I've lurked in or contributed to in my near eight years of using the site, draws an *awful* lot of zero-previous-post, just-signed-up-yesterday, green users who come and take jabs at Mizrahi. Mizrahi has some very, very disgruntled former partners. Now, I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist by any means, but there's something drawing a lot of entirely-negative newbs to this particular thread. And it's always about Mizrahi himself and how he's doomed to fail.
Listen, I'm not here to bash the building - it's going to be a monument when it is eventually complete. Now, it may or may not be completed with Mizrahi's name attached to it by the end - this is all speculative. But knowing the types of loans on this project and who's involved - I'm sure their is financial board that Mizrahi reports to, who to say the least has a lot of eyes watching the speed of this project. I may be new to this forum but may also know more about this project than the average lurker.

Again, Mizrahi can conduct his business the way he wants to, but on an industry that is built on a lot of relationships, he can really put some sour tastes in a lot of mouths. I don't want to see the building fail - it's a master class in engineering and design, but poor management in both construction and the design process has lead this project going astray, which ripples into my comments above which is exactly what happened on this project.
It is easy to forget that everyone in UT was once a new user, even those who have over 10,000 posts made within the past decade and accumulating over 10,000 likes within that timespan.

The One is going to be amazing, but Mizrahi isn't without flaws.
Can we not derail the thread for the millionth time with the Mizrahi pro et contra? Maybe there should be a separate thread for that.
HAHA - there is no GC - Mizrahi kicked them off the project to save costs from their own delays with the whole city permitting fiasco. Now, the big problem with not having all your ducts in a row and ripple effect with the stopping and starting of the project is that trades are already working flat out with a shortage of workers across the city and have been pulled off to do those. This doesn't help that Mizrahi does not have a great track record/reputation in the city - so they are probably getting the B&C teams from trades to do the work. Mizrahi is their own worst enemy - the project investors should be worried about their miss management.

Yes on everything you said 👏
