This particular thread, of any I've lurked in or contributed to in my near eight years of using the site, draws an *awful* lot of zero-previous-post, just-signed-up-yesterday, green users who come and take jabs at Mizrahi. Mizrahi has some very, very disgruntled former partners. Now, I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist by any means, but there's something drawing a lot of entirely-negative newbs to this particular thread. And it's always about Mizrahi himself and how he's doomed to fail.
Flipping this around, why do you keep riding to Sam's indefatigable defense?
I wonder if anyone on this forum actually owns a pre-con unit here. I doubt most care that this has taken a long time, and some might prefer for it to take longer. Only pay 20% of the price and no cost except interest and your opportunity cost while it appreciates the entire time. By the time this thing is done some units might sell for over $2500psf.

Although, if it enters into receivership (I don’t see any reason yet to believe it will) and they have to re-buy their units (such as Cresford’s clover on Yonge) the owners will be paying a hefty amount more than they originally did. At the end of the day, this building is going to get built whether it goes bankrupt or not, and we will eventually get to enjoy looking at it. But really everyone’s comments here are just conjecture.
Could they possibly be waiting for the 2nd floor crane hole concrete to cure prior to pouring the transfer slab? That's the only thing I can think of in a progressive manner. I have to admit it doesn't make much sense to remove forming directly underneath prior as Benito's photos show and that wouldn't stop them finishing laying out the rebar. Weird.
With all due respect, I suspect this is fair game for the subject matter at hand. As whatever is going at Mizrahi HQ could vastly effect this project if it hasn't already. I suppose if this moves to the ad hominem, the mods will then likely deal with it. (Though correct me if I am wrong on that, mods. :( )

Could they possibly be waiting for the 2nd floor crane hole concrete to cure prior to pouring the transfer slab? That's the only thing I can think of in a progressive manner. I have to admit it doesn't make much sense to remove forming directly underneath prior as Benito's photos show and that wouldn't stop them finishing laying out the rebar. Weird.
I wouldn't be surprised it's something more prosaic that's holding this up as well. Such as, components of that elevator thingy are not ready yet, other supply and demand issues, etc. It' s just surprising to many of us that when the weather/season is more favorable to build, they slow right down instead of speeding up. In the end, I hope they get whatever is stalling this sorted out posthaste.

Edit/PS: Goodness, this is my 2000th post in year plus I've been posting here! I guess I talk a lot, lol.
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With all due respect, I suspect this is fair game for the subject matter at hand. As whatever is going at Mizrahi HQ could vastly effect this project if it hasn't already. I suppose if this moves to the ad hominem, the mods will then likely deal with it. (Though correct me if I am wrong on that, mods. :( )

I wouldn't be surprised it's something more prosaic that's holding this up as well. Such as, components of that elevator thingy are not ready yet, other supply and demand issues, etc. It' s just surprising to many of us that when the weather/season is more favorable to build, they slow right down instead of speeding up. In the end, I hope they get whatever is stalling this sorted out posthaste.

Edit/PS: Goodness, this is my 2000th post in year plus I've been posting here! I guess I talk a lot, lol.
You talk a lottttttt lol. Not that that's a bad thing, but you are definitely the most active poster on the forum by a wide margin I'd say (at this moment in time)

Also putting aside the whole debate about mizrahi being good or bad what foodforthought said is true. GC is off the project, so that will inevitably have an impact on how this goes up. How so is for you to assess but I dont see it as mizrahi bashing to suggest that taking on the entire project alone could be one of the reasons we're seeing this move so slow.

Everyone knows mizrahi is in over his head. We're all hoping he pulls it off, but jumping from running a dry cleaning business to building a supertall. That's no small undertaking. This building would be a challenge even for the most veteran players in the industry.
This particular thread, of any I've lurked in or contributed to in my near eight years of using the site, draws an *awful* lot of zero-previous-post, just-signed-up-yesterday, green users who come and take jabs at Mizrahi. Mizrahi has some very, very disgruntled former partners. Now, I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist by any means, but there's something drawing a lot of entirely-negative newbs to this particular thread. And it's always about Mizrahi himself and how he's doomed to fail.
I present an alternative explanation. I've always been a building enthusiast. I knew something big was going on here but the building at the time was delayed and the internet didnt have much info. Naturally I came across UT and this thread and started referencing it for updates. Then I started visiting other threads as well. Eventually I made an account so I could comment and since I found UT through this thread naturally my first comment was here (or at least I think it was)

Now, well over a year later, im a regular contributor on many threads and love that theres a place with all this building information all compiled together.

This is the most significant development in city right now, of course it's going to he the thread most likely to attract new posters. Hopefully they stick around and explore other threads as well like I did.
I was down there today and they had Southbound Yonge blocked off because there were trucks and materials all on the west side of Yonge blocking it up. It seemed like mostly wood, and I don't know what was in the other truck. So take that for what it's worth.
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They've dug a hole in Yonge south of Bloor and I think the wood is for shoring up the sides of the hole. I don't know if it has anything to do with the building. It could be just pipe work.
They've dug a hole in Yonge south of Bloor and I think the wood is for shoring up the sides of the hole. I don't know if it has anything to do with the building. It could be just pipe work.
That could be the thing that is holding them up. But as you say, it's depending if this is related.
Listen, I'm not here to bash the building - it's going to be a monument when it is eventually complete. Now, it may or may not be completed with Mizrahi's name attached to it by the end - this is all speculative. But knowing the types of loans on this project and who's involved - I'm sure their is financial board that Mizrahi reports to, who to say the least has a lot of eyes watching the speed of this project. I may be new to this forum but may also know more about this project than the average lurker.

Again, Mizrahi can conduct his business the way he wants to, but on an industry that is built on a lot of relationships, he can really put some sour tastes in a lot of mouths. I don't want to see the building fail - it's a master class in engineering and design, but poor management in both construction and the design process has lead this project going astray, which ripples into my comments above which is exactly what happened on this project.

You said a lot of nothing here while making claim to knowledge while deliberately excluding previous claimed knowledge.

Sour grapes make good wine. I will toast this building completion, with or without you 😉
