All this heritage designation by the city is such bull.... In Europe and in particular where my family is originally from, the government both local and national provides programs to to aid in the restoration of heritage buildings that can be hundreds of years old! My grandparents home is almost 900 years old and my parents received a grant about ten years ago to restore the roof structure and outer stone walls. Here they want to designate structures as historical yet it's up to the current owners or those investing on the property to float the total cost, which could be incredibly high!! Government just wants to pretend they give a crap as long as anyone but them...pays for it...

Except that there are very good reasons why preserving a good chunk of the strip in whole doesn't make much economical sense - and the government shouldn't be in the business to do that in all but the most exceptional cases. The facades and general integrity of the street is what's worthwhile - not the buildings per se.

lol:D.....Toronto Heritage Grant Program
The Toronto Heritage Grant Program provides grant funds of up to $10,000 or 50% of the estimated cost of eligible heritage conservation work to designated heritage properties.
Only properties designated under Part IV or contributing properties under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and located in the City of Toronto are eligible for grant funding from the Toronto Heritage Grant Program

Up to $10,000, thats peanuts

+1 As for the developer...let's not forget that witch ever developer it is, they are paying for everything! Purchase of property, demolition and build... I know that many here only see evil bad builder but in the end the builder and investors are the ones that invest and pay for everything. It's easy to sit on the other side of the isle and judge but it's not that simple in real life especially when there are hundreds of millions of dollars involved in your own money.....
Except that there are very good reasons why preserving a good chunk of the strip in whole doesn't make much economical sense - and the government shouldn't be in the business to do that in all but the most exceptional cases. The facades and general integrity of the street is what's worthwhile - not the buildings per se.


I agree...I wasn't making a point towards conservation but merely that it's easy for politicians to come up with plans and ideas but that they are self serving and meaning less! I'm all for preservation of true historical structures but in truth I don't think city council has any clue as how that can best be accomplished!
I agree...I wasn't making a point towards conservation but merely that it's easy for politicians to come up with plans and ideas but that they are self serving and meaning less! I'm all for preservation of true historical structures but in truth I don't think city council has any clue as how that can best be accomplished!

I wouldn't be that cynical - I'd say they probably have a good grasp of how it can be done, but it's a matter of whether doing so is worth the political or monetary capital in their calculus.

All this heritage designation by the city is such bull.... In Europe and in particular where my family is originally from, the government both local and national provides programs to to aid in the restoration of heritage buildings that can be hundreds of years old! My grandparents home is almost 900 years old and my parents received a grant about ten years ago to restore the roof structure and outer stone walls.

Most of Europe is broke though, isn't it? Maybe not a sustainable model? I'm not suggesting that government doesn't have a financial role to play, it does. It should offer incentives and it should fund anything that is a city, provincial or national historic site. Beyond that?

I agree...I wasn't making a point towards conservation but merely that it's easy for politicians to come up with plans and ideas but that they are self serving and meaning less! I'm all for preservation of true historical structures but in truth I don't think city council has any clue as how that can best be accomplished!

Not sure about that but one thing's for certain is we do need stronger and clearer policies for heritage. There's lots of opportunity for developers out there and lots of money to be made but there does need to be firmer regulations when dealing with pre-existing urban fabric.

Just a teaser for now - clicking anywhere on the page just takes you to Mizrahi's site

I would assume they are trying to show off potential views with that image.
It's a bit awkward to have have another tower centered right into the text (literally like a numeral one) and confound what's being sold.


Gets the point across without revealing their plan. Good teaser. Nothing to sell at this point... just tease.
I would assume they are trying to show off potential views with that image.

It's a bit awkward to have have another tower centered right into the text (literally like a numeral one) and confound what's being sold.


I agree, at first I thought that was our first glimpse of the new tower, but then realized that it was Aura.
Appalling font choice and weighting. A 'billion dollar' ad that is not.

That said, as the recent Toronto Life article on teardowns in Rosedale indicates, those with cash rarely seem to have taste to match.
Appalling font choice and weighting. A 'billion dollar' ad that is not.

That said, as the recent Toronto Life article on teardowns in Rosedale indicates, those with cash rarely seem to have taste to match.

Sounds like a prediction. I predict that you are wrong. We shall see in March.
