Already know Trump lite has appalling taste. Let''s hope he leaves it up to the architects. If rumours are correct, he did good there.
Appalling font choice and weighting. A 'billion dollar' ad that is not.

That said, as the recent Toronto Life article on teardowns in Rosedale indicates, those with cash rarely seem to have taste to match.

I can't wait for their absurd 2000 word ads for this, like the ones they had "selling" their Hazelton project.
I don't want to look back through the thread, but I seem to recall a prediction of about 280 m from someone who seemed to have some contacts.
280m? More than that. ushahid will be happy.

I am excited to hear the details. One week will seem like forever.
Next Wednesday we'll know. I wonder how many here are going to the meeting? I'm going to try to go.
The ad shows a potential view from above the clouds. This must mean something.

And why else would you call it "the One" if it wasn't going to be outstanding?

especially on one of the most important sites in Canada.

Just a teaser for now - clicking anywhere on the page just takes you to Mizrahi's site

A certain insider on these forums (with whom most of you are familiar) implied over at SSP that it would be the second tallest of the current proposals, but likely not a supertall. That pegs it between One Yonge's 293 metres and 300 metres (with Mirvish being the tallest at 304.3 metres).
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