I also notice the curves of the buildings more with this exterior renovation. So it's not as architecturally boring now that the curves have been enhanced.

Hope the other brick apt complex to the east at Rees is inspired in a similar way. Maybe go with same shades of grey paint but with black, blue and yellow accents there.
Not going to be happen, but tearing down and rebuilding the low-rise between the two towers could potentially create a far better public realm. Ditto the above ground parking garage.


Agree. That would literally change everything. A glass pavilion connecting the towers with cafes and/or restaurants would transform the slip end. I wouldn't rule it out. That low rise is used for the building's amenities so taking it down for a replacement wouldn't displace anybody and would earn the property owner a lot more in commercial leases. The amenities could still be built into the upper levels.

The parking garage is a little more complicated. Where do you put all those cars while replacing it?
I also notice the curves of the buildings more with this exterior renovation. So it's not as architecturally boring now that the curves have been enhanced.

Hope the other brick apt complex to the east at Rees is inspired in a similar way. Maybe go with same shades of grey paint but with black, blue and yellow accents there.

Those three buildings are condos rather than rental buildings, so unlikely to go to the expense until they have the reserve funds. That's likely timed for whenever the current cladding is expected to reach end of life. I live in that building on the corner of Rees, and the windows aren't scheduled to be replaced for another 15 years. The current windows are single pane and don't provide the best insulation, but we had a vote on having them replaced early. It was soundly rejected because it would have cost each unit over $10K in a special assessment.
The city has a facade revitalization program targeted to businesses in certain areas that look run down. The city pays 50% towards fixing up the exterior. If a program like that were made available to condos on Queens Quay, it may hasten the replacement of windows and cleaning up the facade.

No doubt that those condos and parking garage across from the Spadina wave deck are the ugly duck of this new waterfront. Maple Leaf Quay has demonstrated that a a little paint and new modern windows can transform an eye sore in a short time.
amazing what a few coats of paint will do to to update the look here. for the people who wanted the whole thing done in just one colour, you're kind of missing the point. the buildings with their regular repeating window pattern and flat sides are such monoliths that it needs some way to break up the monotony. the designer behind this deserves a medal! hopefully this will place pressure on the even worse 3 tower development just to the east to improve their appearance!
With the example set by Maple Leaf Quay, that 3 tower complex shows a lot of potential. It has an interesting shape. Some proper cladding used to accentuate the sharp angles, modern windows and a rebuilt store front facade with higher end retailers/restaurants with patios could make this building a winner.
With the example set by Maple Leaf Quay, that 3 tower complex shows a lot of potential. It has an interesting shape. Some proper cladding used to accentuate the sharp angles, modern windows and a rebuilt store front facade with higher end retailers/restaurants with patios could make this building a winner.
Yep, I completely agree. In fact, the building as is isn't all that bad. As you say, it has some interesting lines. But you're right--with some sprucing up it could be a contender for something worth admiring.
With the example set by Maple Leaf Quay, that 3 tower complex shows a lot of potential. It has an interesting shape. Some proper cladding used to accentuate the sharp angles, modern windows and a rebuilt store front facade with higher end retailers/restaurants with patios could make this building a winner.

They are re-doing the 3rd building as well. For restaurants - its tricky. There was one. It didnt do well - the son took over when the father went to Italy for a year, changed the menu and it was very successful for a year. The father came back - was furious at the son changed the menu back (which no one liked) and they were evicted a few months later over non-payment of the lease. The experience made people uneasy about starting another one. I believe its a day care now.
p.s. It's hilarious that people complain about so much grey, grey, grey...then we get some bold colour and people complain that it's now a mess. So should we be just happy with teeny, tiny bits of colour then?

That's a strawman argument. Nobody is complaining about the colour. The problem is the haphazard addition of more colour in spots where it doesn't jive with the rest of the motif.

I never understand when people defend any use of colour, however poor, just because they want to see more of it. It's the same as when people want a poorly designed tower to be taller, just for the sake of height.

I want to see more colour in Toronto's skyline too, but I'm not going to just take what I can get. I think it should be used intelligently and not slapped onto buildings haphazardly.

The red within the windows was a nice touch, though. It's the newer stuff that just looks messy.
Colour is used intelligently here. That's what we are saying. You just aren't seeing what we see: a not messy, but quite intentionally-designed, awesome old apt reno. And no, I'm no strawman lol.
They are re-doing the 3rd building as well. For restaurants - its tricky. There was one. It didnt do well - the son took over when the father went to Italy for a year, changed the menu and it was very successful for a year. The father came back - was furious at the son changed the menu back (which no one liked) and they were evicted a few months later over non-payment of the lease. The experience made people uneasy about starting another one. I believe its a day care now.

I think you are confusing two different buildings. Maple Leaf Quay is only 2 buildings connected by a podium, and is the project being redone. He is referring to the 3 tower complex further to the East of these buildings, which are still brown brick with no plans to to be reclad.
I think you are confusing two different buildings. Maple Leaf Quay is only 2 buildings connected by a podium, and is the project being redone. He is referring to the 3 tower complex further to the East of these buildings, which are still brown brick with no plans to to be reclad.
He's right about the restaurant though. The father was a rude jerk.
