Looks great from that angle. Such a beautifully designed building, a hat tip to Petricone. I wonder if the green roof will be accessible to residents.
Thanks for another great update Razz.
Thanks Xray. I suspect that the green perimeter may not be accessible to residents given how low the parapet at the roof edge appears to be. There will likely be some fencing installed to keep people away from the green edge for safety reasons. I do hope they continue to green the interior sections of the roof and it would be a bonus if residents could visit the rooftop. Further updates to follow...
Thanks Xray. I suspect that the green perimeter may not be accessible to residents given how low the parapet at the roof edge appears to be. There will likely be some fencing installed to keep people away from the green edge for safety reasons. I do hope they continue to green the interior sections of the roof and it would be a bonus if residents could visit the rooftop. Further updates to follow...

I take back what I wrote previously. If you look closely at the second to last photo on the last page, it looks as though they have screwed posts along the inside face of the parapet, likely for a glass railing. And just below the parapet, there appears to be a paving stone walkway, so it is more than likely that the entire rooftop, including the green patch, will be accessible to residents. That would be a nice amenity to have.
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the curve of the building doesn't follow a perfect arc the way it does in the render (http://www.trinitylofts.ca/pdf/CGMay8.pdf) ? It seems to straighten out for a section about halfway through the curve. Is this cheapening on the developer's part or some other reason?
Roof top update - August 15, 2012:


I checked out the Trinity Lofts website and several units have private rooftop terraces. This explains the glass partitioning on the roof.




Note also the green roofs on the townhouses on Gilead Lane:
that's a shame .... in a small building like this, the roof top garden should be enjoyed by all.
Would the rooftop terraces be for those units that don't have balconies? That would seem a reasonable trade to me.

I really like this building, but those rooftop partitions are really stale and conformist. Why don't they just let individual owners set up partitions that suit their individuality? How cool would it be to look down and see somebody going for glass, other people planting a hedge, and others not bothering with a partition at all?

The good news is that none of this can be seen from street level.
What a great shot. Trintity Lofts IMO is Streetcar's best work to date. Nice shot of King East in the background too.

Any idea on what kinda retail we'll be getting?
What a great shot. Trintity Lofts IMO is Streetcar's best work to date. Nice shot of King East in the background too.

Any idea on what kinda retail we'll be getting?

Agreed! Great shot of two handsome buildings and Streetcar's best so far. For all the NIMBY's out there, these are prime examples of developments that help improve neighbourhoods. Love the red bricks and dark window mullions...of both buildings. One less auto repair shop!

But...I'm thinking that Trinity Lofts needs an auto dealership to fill up it's retail space ;) Maybe Dodge will downsize and relocate across the street...
I'm moving into this building in two days, so I say give us a Shoppers or a convenience store, hahaha.
