Wait do we roughly know how big their warchest is now?
Between the S37 that they collected separately from City Planning and S42, I believe roughly ~300m?

The exact numbers might be found in their 10-year budget plan.

Though it is important to note that a lot of that money is tied to specific areas of the city, rather than city-wide funds.
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Because Toronto politicians are in a league of their own, and they would find a way to botch and screw up the process leaving private donors running away.

I always tell people; if a private donor stepped up and offered Toronto $1 Billion to help build a specific subway (ie: DRL), politicians in this city would find a way to start bickering over whether the subway should be built in the first place.

While council is extraordinarily incompetent on the transit file, the Bentway did get built fairly quickly and that was sparked by a large donation from a wealthy Torontonian family.
Small potatoes compared to what the Rail Deck parc would cost, but still worth mentioning.
Skyline comment:

CIBC is building sort of Walmart tower versions of the Foster/Oxford plan (cosmetically-exterior)... so something rather spectacular and new would have to have to come from Oxford/Fosters. Otherwise give the old CN Tower some space. Too many X exteriors from Fosters anyway. Fatigue?

The inclusion of rental housing in this proposal suggests immediately a radical re-think from previous iterations.

It's also cited further east, to my recollection, that the proposal centred on the Convention Ctr lands.

That's not to take away from the enormous potential of any redevelopment here.

But while I look forward to hearing more, any endorsement will await something more substantive and detailed.
From the wordings of the postcard, my understanding is that they are only redeveloping 325 Front Street W, which is a significant scale down that does not include the Metro Convention Centre to its west?

Is the MTCC no longer a part of Union Park development? umm...
The highlighted area is where the casino was proposed in the previous plan. Additionally, there were two, cylindrical towers that were proposed for this plot of land. The twin towers were to be situated on the site of the convention centre.
The cylinder towers which were part of the Casino complex were proposed to the west and north of the Rogers Centre between John and Blue Jays Way

oxford place.jpeg
The inclusion of rental housing in this proposal suggests immediately a radical re-think from previous iterations.

Its also cited further east, to my recollection, that the proposal centred on the Convention Ctr lands.

That's not to take away from the enormous potential of any redevelopment here.

But while I look forward to hearing more, any endorsement will await something more substantive and detailed.

Hudson Yards, partially developed by Oxford, has two rental apartments in Phase 1, with Phase 2 being almost 2/3s residential (mix of condo and rental). I could see Oxford taking best practices from Hudson Yards to this project. So expect to see a mall, office towers, residential (condo and apartments)....
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