That said, isn't it precedent that "increased safety" helps other "restrictions" to be removed (whether it be train, rail, cars, etc), making things more efficient or speeding things up? e.g. More reliable switches, signals, safety mechanisms, make it less risky to reach near the legal USRC speed limit, as an example?

Any additional system can bring "increased safety", but that doesn't necessarily mean that you can lift the regulations that may have existed prior to whatever you are installing. SCS on the subway and PTC both do the same thing - they are an overlay that enforces the existing signal and wayside rules and speeds. They have done nothing to improve the throughput of the lines in and of themselves, and in the case of SCS have actually have slowed the subway system down somewhat.

The new signal system in the USRC will allow for improved speeds and more trains-per-hour - but only in concert with all of the other improvements, such as new signals, new double-slip switches with modified geometry, improved track, etc. A lot of those changes have already occurred to the physical plant, but the old signal system can't take advantage of them. And it may be "safer" in the sense that it is a new system that is less likely to break down, but it certainly isn't going to "improve" the safe running of the railroad any more than the old one did.

Toronto, Ont.
Overheard construction workers saying the York concourse will have a soft opening Sunday at noon.
You have a few months yet - the Bay concourse is remaining open until the PAG are over.

This is of course a great idea, but...

I can just see visitors debating with each other. "Toronto's Union Station is so old and disgusting" while another says "What? I thought it looked brand new and amazing!!"

Meanwhile they took different directions out of the station and one saw York concourse and the other saw Bay, lol.
Still digesting the timeline of work, but the map showing the imminent opening also shows work on just part of the Bay Concourse. What's with that?


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I don't think the true impact will be felt until the retail concourse opens up which I suspect will happen after the Pan Am Games

This is speculative, but I would guess that the retail level is mostly complete, maybe even at 99%. My theory is that it's done, and now they need to sign leases with stores and the stores need to set up down there, which takes some time even once the main construction is done. They might want to keep it closed until they're set up, to help keep it clear for moving stuff in, so maybe about a month in that case?

Guess we'll have a better idea when we can peek down there at opening. If anybody gets solid intel on a Sunday opening, that would be great...heck, might just drop by anyhow, I live pretty close. Fingers crossed the NW Path connection opens the same day, at least--can't imagine it wouldn't.
Still digesting the timeline of work, but the map showing the imminent opening also shows work on just part of the Bay Concourse. What's with that?
The dig down below the east wing is part of Phase 3, not Phase 2. See link.

I believe that you are misinterpreting the diagram, as well, as they are showing new concourse space that is be added, not when the specific concourse is opening in general. The Bay Concourse already exists after all, and could not be considered new concourse space
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Our media preview tour was fun today. It looks great down there! We've got our first story up on the front page.

Still digesting the timeline of work, but the map showing the imminent opening also shows work on just part of the Bay Concourse. What's with that?
For newcomers to this thread, it is worth reposting this great diagram:




...Yes, that's our own huge Urban Eatery sized food in a brand new basement level under Union!...It is reported to also have a market restaurant like La Marche or RichTree, and some sit-down restaurants too! (2017) (Mod Edit: Please don't use oversized fonts)



By 2017:
....triple the square footage of GO concourse (and no coffee/lotto lineups blocking the way)
....entire Bay concourse will look like the York concourse.
....there will be no stairs in the moat between TTC and lower Bay concourse (much faster to get from TTC to GOtrain).
....the whole footprint of Union will have a large retail level, that is more than half-used by food (Urban Eatery style food court, market restaurant like La Marche or RichTree, and sit-down restaurants)

York is only the beginning. Then we have the UPX opening May 6th (and the nice UPstairs cafe/beer lounge open to public not just UPX customers, also useful as a waiting lounge for GOtrain commuters too who have enough time to kill). You haven't seen *anything* yet! We do have to wait a bit longer due to delays and the decision to postpone Bay shutdown until PanAm, but it will be worth the wait.

Yes, this is a repost, but we're having a surge of readers who haven't been keeping up. Unaware people shocked at the sudden appearance of an unexpected York concourse, will still not even realize there's a large food court coming, and that Bay concourse will be replaced by a same-sized one, too.
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