Very nice videos, thanks Drum!

Weird to think that one of the most impressive projects (engineering-wise) in the entire city right now is happening in a place where only a select group of people can even see it. Can't wait to see it when they really get the floor slabs in and start sprucing the place up. This is going to be a very cool place to watch in 2013.

I noticed in your video caption you mentioned that the current GO concourse is being replaced after this one opens. In the end, will they actually be 2 separate concourses (connected by a few walkways or something)? Or is the far wall just a temporary knockout wall until they can create 1 big space when the east concourse is finished too?
Thanks for the videos, Drum.

Could you mention where you were standing for each of them, plus which direction you were filming? Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't figure out the orientation.
Thanks for posting them.

I love the double-height areas. I know most of it will be divided vertically by the intervening floor, but the more of that height they can keep the better, IMO.

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I should have said that the new west concourse will be used until the existing one is rebuilt with GO then having 2 of them come 2016.

The first video was on the York St side about centre looking east and was moving toward the east when it stop recording for what every reason.

The 2nd one is over part of the loading dock on GO Concourses level looking north.

The 3rd was on the retail level where the loading docks will be located looking south where the trucks will enter from ACC than north.

The south section of the concourses level next to the ACC is pour from York to Bay.

You could see the current wall for the current GO concourses level while on the retail future floor level as well the temporarily walkway from it to the ACC. That walkway will be removed once the concourses level is poured on either side of it and no idea when, so it can be fill in. People will have to walk around that area like they did when it was being built until the new slab is in place.

When work is finish for the new west concourses level and retail area in 2013, only the existing area will have to be dug out and built.

A fair number of the existing columns were out of alignment and had to be modify so they were all in alignment before the slab could be pour. There is another section of the new GO concourse nearing completion for forming so the concrete can be pour. A lot of labour is being used to do the framing of the form and time consuming doing it.

Extra steel support had to be added for the loading dock area to allow for wider turning area and you should see that in video 2 & 3.

I believe there are 441 columns to be modify with about 150? done so far. All the columns footings are under pin to the bed rock.
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Any idea when the moat near bay connecting the Union station with the subway will be complete ? It was that tent in the past, I believe its going to be a glass atrium like structure now ?

Not sure about the dates, but the subway moat is phase 4 of the 5 phase project. And yes, it will be part of a linear glass arcade that cover both moats.


PS: According to the 2012 Capital Budget Analyst Notes for Union Station, Phase 4 is slated for 2015/16:

Phase 4 (Years 2015 - 2016) – the continuation of the work on the Bay Street Promenade and work on the west half of the Front Street East Moat (p. 10; 12 of the PDF)
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Toronto’s $665-million Union Station renovation behind schedule

Paul Moloney
Urban Affairs Reporter

City council should be getting better information on the progress of renovating Union Station, a $665-million job that has been running behind schedule, the city’s auditor general says.

An audit of the multi-year project shows it was six months behind schedule as of March 31.

In an interview, Auditor General Jeff Griffiths said he’s confident the contractor can make up the lost time between now and the 2016 completion date. His overriding concern is that council should be getting better updates on the work, which began in December 2009.

Union Station is by far the region’s busiest transportation hub; the project is intended to improve its capacity for increasing pedestrian flow, restore heritage elements and transform the station into a revenue-generating destination for tourism, shopping and dining.

Griffiths’ report, to be discussed Thursday in a meeting of the audit committee, recommends that specific reports be issued as to whether the job is on time and on budget.

“The current reporting standards do not provide detail on progress in meeting planned timelines and costs,†the 31-page report says.

“On a project this size, council should be kept up to date on its status in sufficient detail to allow for direction for remedial action if and when required.â€

Councillors should be given explanations for significant delays, plans to make up the time and any additional costs to speed up progress.

The audit said managers’ efforts to reduce or defer some of the work should also be reported to council.

The audit also noted that in June 2011, staff approved a $671,400 expenditure to change the method of replacing supporting columns, to increase the number of columns being worked on simultaneously.

And a shoring contract was increased by $570,000 to pay for work that wasn’t in the original tender because the work hadn’t been designed at that point.

“This change order represents a 26 per cent increase to the original tendered contract value.â€

The auditors were told that some early tenders “did not always include the full scope of work required because there was a rush to begin some preparatory work such as demolition and abatement.â€

A significant part of the project involves excavating a new underground level that will include 125,000 square feet of new retail space. If completion is delayed, the city will lose rental revenue from retailers.

“I think it would be costly if they were late,†said Councillor Doug Holyday, chair of the audit committee. “Certainly, that’s lost revenue. We don’t want that to happen.â€

Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, chair of the public works committee, said he wants to ensure Union Station delays don’t hold up separate work to redo Front St. between York and Bay Sts.

“If they can catch up, that’s great, and they should be encouraged to do so,†Minnan-Wong said, adding it wasn’t surprising to hear of problems adhering to the schedule.

“This has been a difficult project. It took years to come to a decision to move forward with this and then to get the money. It’s just been difficult all around.

“I think most people would just be happy to see the project completed.â€

The City of Toronto is contributing $304 million to the project, with $197 million from the provincial government and $164 million from the federal government.
What's with the gaps between the glass? Looks like it's going to rain right through it
I would imagine only the top treatment would matter and the side and bottom panels would be mainly aesthetic. The sides below the table top are angled so air can get in but in all but the windiest conditions no rain or snow should get in.
Now, is entire crappy ass, rusty, shed-like roof being replaced with a glass cover, or just this middle portion to allow in light?
It's just the middle portion, the renders show the rest of the shed being converted to a green roof. I really hope they install an irrigation system on it or we'll be looking at burnt grass all summer. Even better, some kind of astroturf, it would be green year round the only downside is no cooling or environmental benefits.
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Thanks for the photos rdaner and sMT. While one would wish that the new atrium would replace the existing shed in its' entirety, what we have here can, IMO, be considered iconic in its' own right. It turned out far better than I've dared to expect.

