i find it a bit sad that they're tearing the front courtyard apart when it was just recently redone.
are you sure? i just looked outside. half the front has been dug up (in addition to the moat).
are you sure? i just looked outside. half the front has been dug up (in addition to the moat).

Front street wasn't redone except for the removal of trees an a quick pave over to allow traffic to shift. The redone part is the part people are walking on that covers the central part of the moat with special sidewalk tiles leading to the great hall doors..
Can someone explain to me what we're looking at in the second platform construction picture? Not that it is in fact the second platform but more what's going on in the pic (structurally and logistically).

The moat wall is being demolished so that the ground the digger is on is at the same level as the bottom of the moat. Beyond that (towards the centre of Front St and to the left of where I took the picture), excavation has occurred down one level more to where the second platform will be built. In time I believe a new moat wall will be built while most of Front is excavated down to the second platform level. Right now only a short stretch of Front near York/University is untouched, along with the passenger tunnel between the VIA/GO terminal and the TTC station (bottom right corner) of photo.
In the meantime, the VIA concourse gets even more shabby. Not only is there the crane box in the middle of the decrepit concourse, the baggage area has been moved to where the Panorama Lounge used to be, and luggage pick up is now done with carts wheeled to wooden shelves. I know that this is temporary, but just looks so sketchy.
In the meantime, the VIA concourse gets even more shabby. Not only is there the crane box in the middle of the decrepit concourse, the baggage area has been moved to where the Panorama Lounge used to be, and luggage pick up is now done with carts wheeled to wooden shelves. I know that this is temporary, but just looks so sketchy.

You should see some of the stations in Europe at this time and they are even worse than Union with some not been completed until 2018.

I would say 70% of the stations I have been to so far are being rebuilt in one form or another.

Union redevelopment is small compare to some that are taking place now over here now.
On Twitter, they referred to this as an "unofficial" unveiling, so I assume that means there was no ceremony. Seems reasonable that they would wait for completion of the project before doing anything official.
