I wonder if at some point either the hoardings in the York St underpass will come down or the entire area will become off limits.
I've been absent from this thread for a while -- the last of it that I remember, there was a piano -- but was encouraged to check it out again when I saw some progress.

When is it supposed to be completed?
Sorry for the reflection and the picture quality, but here's a view of the Front/Bay sites from 50+ storeys up:

Nice angle. Wasn't the atrium between the RBC headquarters open to the sky, originally (not actually open, but essentially one large skylight); replaced with more office space?
Nice angle. Wasn't the atrium between the RBC headquarters open to the sky, originally (not actually open, but essentially one large skylight); replaced with more office space?

Yes, it used to be a spectacular atrium and banking floor that was replaced by a trading floor.
Passed through Union on the subway the other day for the first time in a while. Are they putting new columns on the platform, facing the wall that the second platform will be behind?
I hope you like these videos I shot today of the belly of the station. Shot over 60 photos as well and there an articular coming soon on the new levels by someone who was on the tour also here.

Ford baby was there for a short photo opt as well one of his right hand. Doug Holiday and the new City CFO where there for the full tour.

Bulk of the digging is nearing an end, with work taking place on the slabs floors.

Work is underway for the new York Path.

Not sure why this was cut short as I never touch the button. 1/3
When did this change of 1 video per posting considering I have 3 for the same posting??

New floor area for GO Transit West Concourse
We can see the new entrance for trucks from ACC
Funny how Fraud and Minnan Wong showed up for the photo-op and yet no one mentioned their record in council regarding the project. Fear not, here it is:


Item EX33.44 Union Station Revitalization Implementation and Head Lessee Selection

Motion 1 - That Council adopt the following recommendations contained in the report (July 29, 2009) from the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer [EX33.44b]
Vote: No - 1 Ford
Absent: 13 ...Minnan-Wong...

Minnan Wong started off the tour by welcoming the other partners funding this project and doing his old stuff. Seem he didn't wanted to follow safety standards considering he had his safety shoes on. I wore my safety boots and brought my safety items, since I have them in the first place.

Ford pop out of no where and disappear very quickly. The CFO had more to say about this project than the other 2 consider how short of time she been on the job.

The one question I asked based on what I saw in Europe, would there be a grocery store here, as the ones in Europe were busy both at the train station, as well at the airport. The answer I got was something along the line of taking something home ready to eat or eat it on the train.
