Zoning and building codes are ubiquitous...they have nothing to do with controlling the market itself (supply and demand).
Zoning either allows or restricts development and where. Toronto allows intensification only along expensive land downtown and around the few subway stations we have. Land there is expensive so large units cost a lot and hard to sell. Developers charge per sq ft.
''No they don't. Supply some evidence to back up your claim (and not the non-evidence type of evidence you used to back up your erroneous claim that the government tightly controls market forces). If anything, the City tries to encourage developers to include more family units in the approval process, but to no avail, as you can't force developers to build what the market won't buy.''
A good paper from U of T on affordable housing. Yes the city tires to encourage but they are failing to do it well. They are encouraging large units downtown on expensive prime land. The paper has some interesting recommendations to reduce developer costs as a carrot.
High rises cost a lot to build.
Wooden construction and mid-rise encouragement along avenues are now allowed. This is one of the recommendations and it opens up cheaper land to build dense enough to allow larger units to be a lot more affordable. Give families units in the $500-700K range and they will buy. For $900+ there is a limited market.
''So now we're right back where we started...subsidizing certain lifestyles over others with public tax dollars.
But even then, that's not going to change the fact that the purchase price and monthly fees are based on a per square foot basis. ''
Sure if you want you can call it a subsidy. I call it creating choice in the market. It's using regulations to do just that, regulate the market distortions. A childless city is a sad place. Encouraging more families living in the city is a good thing. It makes the city vibrant. It's also the way to ensure we have future generations being born to be the future work force as we can't just import workers from abroad. It's a public good and why society made a decision long ago to subsidize K-12 education.
''These so-called "concierges" are just low-paid security guards who usually have trouble signing for a package.
An actual concierge can arrange to have a baby elephant, a midget hooker and a steak from Barbarians delivered to your suite at 3:00AM with 45 minutes notice.