I also love St. James park, in fact, it's one of my favourites in the city. And most of the time it's pretty welcoming, especially the Victorian garden. But at certain days and times the northern and eastern parts do tend to get taken over by some scruffy characters. It's a shame that the beautiful gazebo is often out-of-bounds for those of us who want to use the park for something other than a semi-private place to get high. I have to admit that I am looking forward to any gentrifying effects that Vu will have on the park and surrounding area. Sorry if that's politically incorrect to say.

One of my favorate parks too. I recently documented St. James Park for anyone not familiar with the area. It can be found here
Taken July 29th





great shots Andrew3D ... thanks !

the second photos illustrates the less pretty nearby buildings ... eeeks :eek:
An excellent addition to the neighbourhood. From Goodwill to VU. Toronto's surely moving in the right direction architecturally/urbanistically. Thanks for the pics.
If that 2nd shot had been labelled "alley in London or Paris", people would've loved it and thought it quaint and said "why can't we get that kind of character?" ;)
If that 2nd shot had been labelled "alley in London or Paris", people would've loved it and thought it quaint and said "why can't we get that kind of character?" ;)
Great point. It does look a little Dickensian, minus the pavers.
If that 2nd shot had been labelled "alley in London or Paris", people would've loved it and thought it quaint and said "why can't we get that kind of character?" ;)

I would agree to that ... but only to the extent limited to the east (right) side of that lane, the west (left) side is just plain ugly, looks to be unkept and falling apart, regardless if it is in Toronto, London or Paris
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I would agree to that ... but only to the extent limited to the east (right) side of that lane, the west (left) side is just plain ugly, looks to be unkept and falling about, regardless if it is in Toronto, London or Paris

the building on the east side has been renovated/re-furbished inside and out (sandblasted) and used as commercial building visible from afar 5s.

the visible part in the pic of the west building (1-2s) is the rear so probably less attention was devoted to it, while the facade has been renovated.
a good power-washing would make it look better, but the boarded up windows are another matter.
I've seen people smoking crack in that gazebo and on the benches lining Adelaide on 3 separate occasions. If that's not a park in need of reclaiming, I don't know what is.

Indeed. It's not uncommon to find impromptu crack pipes left lying around near that gazebo. The area East of Jarvis along King still has a long way to go in my opinion. Lets hope VU can spur this area along.
I'm very surprised that people are having such negative reactions to that building on the left. As far as I'm concerned, it's the most interesting building in that picture. Far more interesting than what is at the end of the alley.
