I love the old alleyways throughout the city, and while they aren't all in the best shape, they could become great little spaces if we opened up a bit to alleyway animation. The brick paving is already nice, and with a bit of cleanup up and lighting, I can imagine this (and other) alleys becoming fun spots with cafes, outdoor seating, and little market stands animating the space.

We just need some creative thinking, and (as far as I know) some more relaxed bylaws regarding alleyways. The fire related ones are pretty strict from what I recall in a thread discussing this topic.
Aug 1


August 2 2009 update

seeing Vu again today ... I'm not sure if this is 'real' or 'precast' brick being installed on the facade ~



AFAIK it's real brick up to the 8th floor to blend in with the historic buildings and neighbourhood.

I like the coloured glass panels (3 i think; clear, white and green) they are using, and the 2 colour of panels ... gives it abit of variety, style.
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seeing Vu again today ... I'm not sure if this is 'real' or 'precast' brick being installed on the facade

It's funny, but I had the exact same question when I passed by there a couple weeks ago, then I saw a worker laying the brick. It then led me to think though, that considering I really couldn't tell by looking at it, is there really that much of a difference?
Courtyard Panorama


I have been experimenting lately with 360 by 180 degree VR panoramas and I thought the courtyard of the Vü would make a good subject. On Saturday I then ventured to the construction site. The guard was nice enough to let me take the pictures, and I have now published the resulting panorama on 360cities.net.

Click on this link to go to the panorama page. For best viewing you should then activate the fullscreen mode, hide the controls, and pan and zoom using the mouse or keyboard (arrow keys to pan, a and z keys to zoom). You can also experiment with the different viewing modes available from the right click menu. My favourite there is the "Little Planet" view. If you want to see a hdr version of the courtyard panorama follow this other link.
amazing 360 view udo !! thank you for sharing that ~

I'm definitely not a big fan of those units facing internally into the courtyard
I'd consider a courtyard unit. I'd imagine it would be much quieter than a unit on Adelaide or Jarvis
I'd consider a courtyard unit. I'd imagine it would be much quieter than a unit on Adelaide or Jarvis

I bought a courtyard unit just for that reason.

Richmond, Jarvis and Adelaide are high traffic main arteries with Richmond and Adelaide being multi-lane 1-ways.

One disappointing thing about some of the courtyard units is that they don't have balconies/terraces, only french balconies ... but then again, not all the other units have a balcony either.
