really? I would have put money on Eglinton / Don Mills or any other intersection that is 10 lanes wide out in the suburbs....

Considering the efficiency of the subway, which has a station at the intersection, I am confident of that it would top that suburban intersection. This intersection sees a high volume of commuters, shoppers, tourists, and locals.
really? I would have put money on Eglinton / Don Mills or any other intersection that is 10 lanes wide out in the suburbs....

I think the only thing that areas like don mills/ eglinton may have on yonge and dundas is vehicular traffic. Even then, that's only a maybe. Yonge and Dundas trumps it in everything else, particularly pedestrian traffic - which i think is the best gauge when deciding what the "busiest" intersection is. I firmly believe this but of course have no concrete proof. One only has to google "canada's busiest intersection" and compare the number of times yonge + dundas comes up vs don mills and eglinton. Better yet, visit yonge and dundas on a nice day and then visit don mills /eglinton to observe pedestrian traffic.
Is there even any pedestrian activity at Don Mills & Eglinton? I know it's a busy area (and has a very high rate of car accidents for some reason) but if memory serves I don't ever recall seeing many pedestrians in that area.
I guess defining busiest intersections really comes down to breaking them down separately into two categories; vehicular traffic, and foot traffic.
Is there even any pedestrian activity at Don Mills & Eglinton? I know it's a busy area (and has a very high rate of car accidents for some reason) but if memory serves I don't ever recall seeing many pedestrians in that area.
I guess defining busiest intersections really comes down to breaking them down separately into two categories; vehicular traffic, and foot traffic.

Most likely rating downtown busiest intersections are defined by pedestrian traffic, which would put Yonge and Dundas a clear winner over Don Mills and Eglinton.
Friday night alone Y&D has more foot traffic than D-M&E all week.:D
I was just being facetious in the first place but Y&D I would suggest is not a terribly busy vehicle intersection simply because of its narrow capacity (4 lanes by 4 lanes with 2 lanes often tied up by streetcars)...
from today's Daily Commercial News.....


Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON PREPARING PLANS

Dundas Victoria Redevelopment, 21 Dundas Square Rd, SW corner of Victoria St and Dundas Sq, M5B

$40,000,000 est

Note: Concept plans and preliminary designs are underway. Owner is seeking City Council rezoning approvals. A Public Information Centre (PIC) is scheduled for November 10, 2009. Approvals are anticipated to be in place late 2009/early 2010. Arch anticipates Working drawings will begin early 2010 based on Council approvals of the project scope and pending the Owner's decision to proceed. Sales and marketing are expected Spring/Summer 2010 pending improved economic conditions. Schedules for tender for Gen Cont, and construction will be determined pending approvals, early 2010. Owner expects construction of the project will be phased. Further update Spring, 2010.

Page & Steele Inc and Diamond & Schmitt Arch Inc are working in joint-venture on this project.

Project: proposed construction of a mixed use building. The project proposes construction of a 39-storey mixed-use building with commercial office space of floors one through five, furnished commercial rental office space on floors six to sixteen, and condominium apartments on floors seventeen to thirty-five, with 245 condominium residential units. The project will also include renovation to the façade of a 15 storey heritage building on the site, including improvements to exterior cladding and windows. A second heritage building will be demolished to make room for this project.

Scope: 340,000 square feet; 39 storeys; 5 storeys below grade; 247 units; parking for 196 cars
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Commercial offices; Retail, wholesale services
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This proposed 34 storey residential building which also includes 5 stories of office floors, might just break the 150 meters.:) nice addition to that area.
I am surprised retail space is not allocated for in the proposal. No new stores? Office space / condo only? I hope they at least install Times Square like signage.
I didn't notice the new renders. When the precast looks ugly in the render, you know we could be in for a pretty crappy tower. It's almost as though it has to be covered up in signs.

Why couldn't they do something a little more sophisticated?
Horrible building but its great that the project includes a much needed renonovation of the HNR building. Whether its a suitable trade-off, is another issue.
Horrible building but its great that the project includes a much needed renonovation of the HNR building. Whether its a suitable trade-off, is another issue.

Considering how much the new tower overwhelms the old one, it doesn't appear to be a good trade-off at this point.

I really hope the building is re-designed. Considering this square and its surroundings basically had a blank slate, it's depressing to see how poor the quality of projects has been.
