This project is really looking great and the landscaping is just the icing on the cake.

Please don't tell me that those pipes are right next to Queens Quay. Is that really necessary?
Please don't tell me that those pipes are right next to Queens Quay. Is that really necessary?
Yes, pretty ugly, eh! When I saw them I assumed they would eventually be inside the last building (not yet started, or approved (?) ) that will be where the sales centre is but I think they are too far east. Nice how they shielded them from the residents but not the general public!
Can we please get a confirmation that these pipes are facing the water's edge promenade? If so, who can we contact to resolve this? Fernbrook? Cityzen? WaterfronTO?
Can we please get a confirmation that these pipes are facing the water's edge promenade? If so, who can we contact to resolve this? Fernbrook? Cityzen? WaterfronTO?
A photo is worth 1000 words - the pipes are VERY visible from the Martin Goodman Trail - at least they (Fernbrook?) should extend the enclosure.
It's facing Queen's Quay, not the waterfront promenade. I believe they are positioned where a future phase will be constructed, if I'm not mistaken. They didn't hide them particularly well thus far!
It won't be that difficult to extend the wood trellis to enclose the piping area for aesthetic purposes.


Except that it probably won't happen. This is just the latest addition to the long list of poorly executed details that contribute to the mediocrity of this street.
