^ Hey now... I haven't like this project since day 1. It's mistake by the lake 2.0 (After Harbour Square). The only difference is people like the architecture much more.
The wall will probably tip some opinions against keeping Redpath. But it doesn't look like there's anything to see or do in the Pier 27 block. Unlike the Corus block, there are no schools or restaurants there. It seems like a waste of the waterfront--Harbour Square Part II. I hope that the new park at the foot of Yonge Street will improve it.
Do we know that there won't be a restaurant on the ground floor of one of those apartment buildings?
There won't. There will be ground floor retail and restaurants in some or all of the remaining three buildings planned for the site.

It would have made more sense to put a restaurant facing the water. Against The Grain, at the base of the Corus building, is a resounding success, and it makes that whole stretch really lively.

Also, there's a Latin American art gallery on the easternmost building, facing Queens Quay. It's called Sur Gallery: http://surgallery.ca/
I wouldn't mind a hearty meal and an ale as the snow falls on a Saturday evening in winter overlooking the water.
Is there going to be a new thread for the Pier 27 Tower launching soon or will posts be just carried on here?
No thanks, ill settle for a Mojito as the winter sun blazes and sets on a Saturday evening overlooking a sandy beach:)

We're all better off when we can go out for a good meal or drink in the winter. Why not do that along the picturesque waterfront? It gets a little windy in winter. But you step off the streetcar or out of your vehicle in your wool coal, and you're in a good restaurant overlooking the scenic waterfront in a minute. It takes good planning to ensure we build buildings and public spaces that can be vibrant 12 months a year. But the end result is a better city for its residents.
