Temporary tent as sales centre.
I wonder if they expect to sell out really quickly, eliminating the need to build a semi-permanent sales centre?
Anybody know what this is right next to the sales office?

Be a shame if they made that the permanent sales centre site as it is smack on top the location of Phase 1. Would have been better to put it on a Phase 3 or 4 building location. Maybe this means they won't be going into construction all that soon. :(
Pier 27 top part and conveyor belts of sugar plant similar?

Kinda industrial and minimalist look continues along the waterfront. Wondering whether it's too much the same look?
When you compare it to the Cape-Cod-schlock townhouse complex called South Beach Marina on Stadium Road over on the west side of Bathurst Quay, no, it's not too much of the same look.

PIER 27 - any new info

on this project, it seems we have stale news on here, anyone with insight on whats going on beyond the tents.

Have the developers picked a firm to represent them, is it one of the usual suspects: melbourne, pat baker, brad lamb, intercity? who's getting lucky and who's getting none.

feel free to shed some light pls
It really is such a beautiful development. I hope it turns out close to the render.
