OK, I'll bite. If Yonge Street to Rainy River is not the longest street in the world, what is? Is it because Yonge now becomes a divided highway somewhere, is there some other street that's longer?

Yonge was never the "longest street" in the first place. It was a corny publicity stunt dreamed up by whomever in the 70s or whenever, who thought, hey, since Yonge starts as Hwy 11, let's call all of Hwy 11 "Yonge Street" (no matter what it's actually called in various municipalities on the way), then call Guinness, and voila. The *real* Yonge Street ends at Holland Marsh. (Once highway downloading went haywire in the 90s, the Yonge = 11 formula went to blazes.)
From this weekend:


Photo by me.
Yonge was never the "longest street" in the first place. It was a corny publicity stunt dreamed up by whomever in the 70s or whenever, who thought, hey, since Yonge starts as Hwy 11, let's call all of Hwy 11 "Yonge Street" (no matter what it's actually called in various municipalities on the way), then call Guinness, and voila. The *real* Yonge Street ends at Holland Marsh. (Once highway downloading went haywire in the 90s, the Yonge = 11 formula went to blazes.)

You're no fun. I work in tourism and I love to perpetuate the myth of Yonge Street being the longest street in the world. Far more interesting than your story.
You're no fun. I work in tourism and I love to perpetuate the myth of Yonge Street being the longest street in the world. Far more interesting than your story.

I didn't know this about Yonge until adma made it clear. Perpetuating lies for the sake of tourism is corny and wrong. Truth and history is decidedly more interesting.
I apologise if this has already been asked but are there plans to turn that decrepit parking lot into a magestical park - a la sugar beach, where it will graciously meet the boardwalk infront of pier 27?

Yes - There is a parkette going in there. A lawyer friend of mine is working on the project and he showed me some plans for it. I believe that there are renderings earlier in this thread as well.

Is Waterfront Toronto involved with the public realm around the building? It would be a shame if it didn't match the design quality of other water's edge projects by the agency such as Sugar Beach and the new walkways around the Canada Malting Plant silos.
