Buried in there ^^







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Goodness, that's quite the cantilever. One or two degrees away from being held up by a pencil neck.
Glad to see that they're retaining and refinishing a lot of the existing buildings on site. I'm also happy to see with POPS with opportunities for restaurants etc. to surround it. I guess the Music space/venues have been discarded from the proposal?

I think the amount of Black in the towers, without varying design, is a bit much, especially since the nearby buildings use similar materials. But I can't complain too much considering I expected the outcome to be much worse than this aesthetically.
Wait...these were the heritage buildings DoFo try to bulldoze down back in early Spring?
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It shouldn't have happened this way, but at least we have moved towards something nearing the desired end-result.

A smart operator would have realized the potential of incorporating the heritage buildings into the design of the development to create an even more desirable and attractive space to attract high-quality tenants, activate public space, and sell to residents.
Yes, the one they issued the MZO for.
...thanks for confirming that you two! /bows

CBC reporting in here:

Front Page story here:

And wow...that's really good news for once!
This is truly a win for community involvement and may show the politicians that they DO need to pay attention to local opinion and follow "process" and that consultation and a bit of compromise can achieve a lot. Kudos to the St Lawrence Neighbourhood Assn for having the balls to try for an injunction (and then win). Let's hope the settlement covers their (sizable) legal costs! Here is their statement:

Toronto’s St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association Celebrates Agreement that Saves The Foundry

TORONTO-August 20, 2021--"After months of advocacy and a successful court injunction launched by the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association (SLNA) to stop the demolition of the Dominion Wheel & Foundries buildings on Eastern Ave., the SLNA is pleased to announce that in conjunction with the City of Toronto it has reached a Settlement Agreement with the Province of Ontario with respect to the preservation of certain heritage assets on the site at #153-#185 Eastern Avenue," said SLNA President, Stewart Linton.

The recently completed and just released Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and Heritage Impact Assessment Report (including recommendations) contain additional details of the heritage value and the agreed upon development concept for the site which incorporates market and affordable housing, public realm and indoor and outdoor community spaces integrated with the retained heritage elements. The links to these documents are also posted on the SLNA website, SLNA.ca

Both the Province and the City are committed to ensuring that any future purchasers of the property respect this vision for its redevelopment.

The SLNA is appreciative of all who supported its efforts and its position on this initiative.

The St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association is an Association of residents in the St. Lawrence area of the City of Toronto which has served this culturally diverse and historically significant community of 35,000 residents since 1982.

Contact Information:
Stewart Linton, President, St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association
Email: president@slna.ca.
I was just around the corner from here last week for the first time in at least a year, and I was admiring these buildings and wondering when we'd hear some news about them. Really a shame that it took bulldozers, protests, and a lawsuit to get here, but this is a fantastic result regardless.
