Wow! Nice black columns and punctured windows look for this facade. And all three towers look the same which will pop out from the other towers around it in the area!
Wow! Nice black columns and punctured windows look for this facade. And all three towers look the same which will pop out from the other towers around it in the area!
These aren’t actual designs. The buildings will look nothing like these. They’re just a vision of what the site could look like. There’s still no developer.
These aren’t actual designs. The buildings will look nothing like these. They’re just a vision of what the site could look like. There’s still no developer.
We have no idea if the buildings will look likes these or not. It appears though the heritage structures will likely remain as pictured. Thus the renders shouldn't be dismissed so easily either.

Currently the "developers" are the proprietors to this agreement to my understanding as they wish to develop this lot.
We have no idea if the buildings will look likes these or not. It appears though the heritage structures will likely remain as pictured. Thus the renders shouldn't be dismissed so easily either.

Currently the "developers" are the proprietors to this agreement to my understanding as they wish to develop this lot.
Based on what? Nothing I’ve read suggests that. The city has even said these plans will help in case the land falls in private hands.

the UT story also has this disclaimer:
Based on what? Nothing I’ve read suggests that. The city has even said these plans will help in case the land falls in private hands.

the UT story also has this disclaimer:
View attachment 343103
Fair enough! And thank you for some needed citation there. Although, I still wager those renders will be closer to what we'll get than not, though the finer details will likely come to fruition when after the private party is introduced then.
The renders might be conceptual, but the building massing should give us an idea of what to expect. As far as ground level is concerned, if the heritage buildings are to stay, then we also have an idea based on the renderings of how that might look like with a tower rising above when the project advances from conceptual to the design stage.
Word from the Province and Foundry Friends is that environmental abatement and partial demolition will re-commence on Monday, November 15th, lasting until February 2022. This includes the demo of the northern most building (office and warehouse, highlighted in blue). Process of transfer of property to unnamed developer will occur during this period and be finalized in the spring.

Say what you want about KWT, but she appears to be a very active city counsillor on various affairs.

I could never in a million years imagine Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Denzil Minnen-Wong, and Micheal Ford to name a few being at the scene of this within hours of it being reported.

You'd be surprised I think - though the kind of things they would respond to this quickly would be totally different.

