Senior Member
Another from outside looking towards the concierge desk. [taken with blackberry - quality not that great]

I love them - very goth. Too bad the rest of the lobby isn't more like that.
I actually like the photo of how the chandelier is supposed to look, but not in reality and certainly not for this lobby. Your comment above is indicative of what is wrong with the design in this setting... The lobby is nothing like it. The chandelier is supposed to be an accessory for the lobby and not the other way around.
What I am saying is... The lobby is what it is (in this case, International Modernism) and then you are introducing a design element that is not cohesive with that design sensibility. I am not saying that ALL juxtapositioning of design styles are no good... Just this particular pairing, in my opinion.
I think this is a case in which the original designers were not in on the selection of the light fixtures and the artwork. There is little chance that the same people who put together such a sophisticated vision for a building would make these lighting and painting choices. My guess is that they have moved on to other projects and someone with far less experience and taste found they had to finish off the job. Viewing the original brochure drawings, the artwork and the lights were of a far better scale. I think both Cecconi Simone and Great Gulf should get a few letters about this-- likely to the hightest up people who may not be aware of what has happened. What addresses are you sending them to? I'll write one as well. Anyone else out there who is concerned may also want to do the same.
Not into the art or the chandeliers. Or the cheap-o sofas. Or the upholstered metallic-pewter ottomans/coffee tables. The more they put into the space, the less I like it.
Like Tim Burton directing an episode of Mad Men?