Your complaint comes across as the whine of someone not bright enough to divine the comparison i was making, so allow me to elucidate...
Not only is there an obvious visual comparison of Lady Gaga's hat to this particular sculpture, but the notion I was intimating was that neither has any substance to their statements. In Lady Gaga's case she is trying to make a statement, but if there is a message, it is lost. Is she saying my face doesn't matter? If it is a rant against men objectifying women, then why show off her legs? It just becomes fashion for shock value and not about anything political or meaningful. The outfit is wearing her.
Same for this sculpture or many other public art pieces. The giant Egg Beaters at The foot of Yonge street come to mind. What are they saying? "Wow, look how small I am next to this over-sized household object." These giant red pipes look like the stock yards of plumbing supplies at Home Depot. It says nothing. All it says to me is... "This is a modernist building in the vein of Mies van der Rohe and you expect a big red abstract piece of art at the bottom, so I'll give you one." It seems pedestrian and expected.
Now that you know my opinion, it still is not relevant to this discussion because it is an opinion. No one person's opinion is any more relevant than another's.