Cement is being poured into the foundation today. This is the first time in a couple of weeks that the cement trucks have made an appearance at the site.


Still just a big hole with a crane
It's a shame you couldn't get any shots down into the big hole. They've poured the concrete foundation and are starting to build forms for the walls.
Agent Open House - earn 4% commission!

Well someone from Baker R/E must have messed up b/c I received the following email offering 4% commission to R/E who get clients to buy firm.
Sounds like the R/E market has cooled off.

Does anyone know what they regularly get as opposed to the 4% commission?
I believe it's 2.5-3.0% so that's a significant incentive.
4% is pretty much standard on any project these days...
It appears that they are setting up forms to pour some of the walls into the foundation. I'd take a pic, but I do not have a camera on me.
Does anyone know what they regularly get as opposed to the 4% commission?
I believe it's 2.5-3.0% so that's a significant incentive.

The 2.5 to 3% figure is for resellers, where there is an agent for both the buyer and the seller. The split the 5-6% commission.
July 11th, by request


Construction is still going on at X The Condominium! Here are some quick updates:

Bulk excavation is now complete, as well as vertical shoring and tiebacks. We are currently pouring raft slabs and footings. As you can see in the picture below, a tower crane has been installed as well. A second crane will be installed in early August.

Yea I'm wondering where the 2nd crane will go, I'm excited about this news as it should it speed up the construction.

Seems like a small lot for two cranes, should be interesting.
It's a much larger footprint than I expected, I presume because of the lowrise section on the west side. Less than half of what has been dug in the photos above represents the actual footprint.

What did you expect? Another case of Silly Hall run amok: they will approve anything these days, even if it is a 40 story tower that runs right to the curb! The travesty at St. Lawrence market that was allowed in the '80s and '90s wasn't enough. Now they want to turn the central city into Manhattan where the sunlight never hits the ground.

Don't get me wrong: 'X' by itself is gorgeous, but when combined with all the other development along Charles St., Yonge, Sherbourne, Wellesley, etc. the total spells catasrophe. This is my neighborhood and although I love tall towers (along the lines of the TD Center and St. Jamestown) what the city is allowing now is outrageous.

Look at Murano and Burano (love the names - good grief). Why put one tower on a property when 2 will do?

Has anyone got any friggin idea where the traffic is going to go? Oh, that's right, we're all going to ride in those plastic bicycle do-thingeys that I see the happy, smiling tourists riding around in.
^No need to panic: compared to NYC, Toronto is very much a prairie town (Brandon?) Yet NYC traffic gets along just fine, ask any pedestrian....:p

Towers should be built to the curb, with zero space between them--again, are we Brandon Manitoba or the 5th biggest city in N.A?

X is nice: we need another 1000 of them!
