I thought this was a forum where people could post their different opinions about stuff.

If I felt strongly about any thread I'd post something... be it boxy, narrow or even if I think A's opinion is not to my liking and he/she is a snob. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Opinions, discussions - Yes.
Character assassinations, slagging matches, trying to "out-thesaurus" each other for the sake of it - No.
Aura is current by far the most favored new project as selected by UT forum members. That is a fact, not an opinion.
30 people out of 95 voted for it. That is a statistic. Statistics aren't opinions they are facts.
Those are the facts that I am referring to, is that clear now?

Now are the opinions of those 30 people facts as well? Obviously not.

But the opinion of 30 people carries far more weight than the opinions of a hand full of individuals here who seem to be under the erroneous impression that their opinions hold more weight than the norm.

Again that's your opinion. Fact remains that a greater percentage of the population is in favor of such music over any other genre.

No, statistics are statistics, not facts.
Pop music is candy. We should always aspire for more but.... ah heck, sometimes I just like a little candy!

Like music and architecture, there's good candy and there's bad candy. *Waits for Vegeta*

I'm not sure why you even wanted to.
I never made any suggestion as to which genre is superior. In fact, top 40 pop does not appeal to me in the least. But that does not in the least discredit the opinions of those it does appeal to - the majority. Perhaps you feel it would be absurd to compare Pitbull's Rain Over Me to The Blues and the Abstract Truth by Oliver Nelson. But that doesn't mean someone who has the opposite preference is 'wrong'. Because your tastes in music and perhaps your taste in architecture might be considered more 'mature' or, arguably, more 'refined' than the norm, that hardly means that it holds more value.

I was originally using a simple analogy to address Aura's popularity in the polls.

Well, presumably it's a fact that the statistics are as claimed, but whether they actually mean what is claimed is another matter.

Actually, since this is really an opinion poll, these statistics are just a numerical representation of UT members' opinions. Definitely not factual.
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Actually, since this is really an opinion poll, these statistics are just a numerical representation of UT members' opinions. Definitely not factual.

I'm not sure why you seem to be confused on the matter, I never stated that the opinions of those 30 people were factual;
Now are the opinions of those 30 people facts as well? Obviously not.

The fact that I conveyed is that 30 out 95 people voted for Aura (now 32 out of 101). That is a fact. Its not based on opinion or made up. The evidence is right here if you are in doubt;

Is there anymore confusion on this matter? Do you and ProjectEnd understand this?

If you chose not place any value in those numbers that is entirely your right.
All I am doing is conveying the results of said poll and noted that personally I think they are significant. Its up to each individual forum member to decide for themselves whether or not they agree with my opinion on the matter.
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I wonder what might be in store for the northwest corner of this intersection, it looks to be about the same size piece of land as 460.
I wonder what might be in store for the northwest corner of this intersection, it looks to be about the same size piece of land as 460.

Larger area, more like the size of 501......the west side of Yonge street from Grenville to Grosvenor is a pretty boring stretch with few to no structures of historical significance...i think it wont be long before we see more proposals up that strech.
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Larger area, more like the size of 501......the west side of Yonge street from Grenville to Grosvenor is a pretty boring stretch with few to no structures of historical significance...i think it wont be long before we see more proposals up that strech.

east side is no better north of Alexandra.
Glad that the city finally realize Yonge street is pretty much stuck in the 1980s gritty state and needs an overhaul.
How did you get that height?

My apology ....i thought that height did not include the mechanical, and after being on SSP various times and seeing it proposed at 207m. i was convinced at that height..now that i have gone back to city planning documents, it clearly says 198.5m
Jeeez, every thread on this forum is the same...

A: I like this.
B: I don't like this. Why would anyone like this?
C: My tastes are better than yours.
D: No MY tastes are better than yours.
A: B is narrow minded.
D: A is a box lover.
A: D is a snob.

blah blah.

Granted, I may have contributed to some of this crap in the past, but can't we just accept that people have different tastes, and no one persons subjective tastes are "better" than another's? PLEASE!


Mods please start being more strict with this crap.
