Again that's your opinion. Fact remains that a greater percentage of the population is in favor of such music over any other genre.

I'm not going to turn this into an actual musical debate, since it's the wrong forum, but I hardly think one can compare something like Pitbull's Rain Over Me to a masterpiece such as, say, The Blues and the Abstract Truth by Oliver Nelson, or any other critically acclaimed, but less popular album (popularity based on volume of listeners, and chart rankings). It's beyond mere opinions.

Anyway, I digress, this thread isn't even about Aura for that matter. It's very early in the game with regards to 460, we don't even know who the architect is. Who knows, maybe this will look interesting in full colour. What? Even I can be positive and optimistic.
The architect is almost certainly Graziani + Corazza.

I am not quite sure a poll that demonstrates that only 31% of people think the Aura tower is the best, demonstrates anything other than most do not think its all that.
Just as how 31% of the popular vote can be enough for a party to win an election. 31% of any vote with 10 more options is quite meaningful but more importantly its a far better showing than; 7.37%, 8.42%, 17.89%, 11.58%, 4.21%, 2.11% 7.37%, 3.16%.

And lets say that conversely that demonstrates 68.48% do not think Aura is best. Compare that to the 92.63% that do not think such about the 4 Seasons. I find it hard to believe that such a dramatic variance would not hold any meaning. Point is, considering the other highly esteemed buildings on that list(except for one...) and their totals, 31.58% in comparison, is making a statement.
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Anyhow, here we have two buildings;


One is a contemptible failure, the other an unqualified masterpiece. Can you guess which one? :rolleyes:
And in case anyone's wondering, I've made no final judgments on either of the two buildings above.
The statement(s) I'm making however, should be obvious enough.
I'm not going to turn this into an actual musical debate, since it's the wrong forum, but I hardly think one can compare something like Pitbull's Rain Over Me to a masterpiece such as, say, The Blues and the Abstract Truth by Oliver Nelson, or any other critically acclaimed, but less popular album (popularity based on volume of listeners, and chart rankings). It's beyond mere opinions.

I'm not going to turn this into an actual musical debate,
It's beyond mere opinions.

I'm not sure why you even wanted to.
I never made any suggestion as to which genre is superior. In fact, top 40 pop does not appeal to me in the least. But that does not in the least discredit the opinions of those it does appeal to - the majority. Perhaps you feel it would be absurd to compare Pitbull's Rain Over Me to The Blues and the Abstract Truth by Oliver Nelson. But that doesn't mean someone who has the opposite preference is 'wrong'. Because your tastes in music and perhaps your taste in architecture might be considered more 'mature' or, arguably, more 'refined' than the norm, that hardly means that it holds more value.
Pop music is candy. We should always aspire for more but.... ah heck, sometimes I just like a little candy!
Aura is ranking high on the list not because of its design pedigree, it's making the top of the list because it is a gamechanger. 200 meter tall building will now rise from Yonge and College the same way street kids rise out of their holes and congregate at Yonge and Wellesley.

That Diagram with the Four Seasons next to the 460 is hilarious.
Jeeez, every thread on this forum is the same...

A: I like this.
B: I don't like this. Why would anyone like this?
C: My tastes are better than yours.
D: No MY tastes are better than yours.
A: B is narrow minded.
D: A is a box lover.
A: D is a snob.

blah blah.

Granted, I may have contributed to some of this crap in the past, but can't we just accept that people have different tastes, and no one persons subjective tastes are "better" than another's? PLEASE!
